Friday, November 24, 2006

Hi people! :D

Introducing, Kaushik Renganaath!

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When I first heard of his name, the word "Cowshit" came into my mind. He was my buddy in the twinning programme with Sri Kumaran Children's Home. He's from Bangalore, India. Lol, most of his friends bully him. Yeah, (you see his face you know already).

During the school tour, I thought I said this to him, "Our teachers are strict. So we will learn from our mistakes and not to repeat them again." It was their first day in Singapore. I had to keep a good impression in front of them. So yeah, I was bullshitting.

Few days later, we even exchanged racist jokes. Guess what, we told a hell lot of racist jokes regarding Indians and they only had one.

It went like this: There's this room. Standing at the four corners, Smart Chinese, Stupid Chinese, Superman and Flash. And there is a diamond in the middle of the room. The question was who took the diamond? The answer is the Stupid Chinese. We asked why, and they said the rest don't exist. Roflmao. You get the joke?

Okay, back to Cowshit. On Day 4, we went to Merlion Park. I did something wrong, I forgot what was it because it wasn't serious. Then again, I repeated the same mistake. Kaushik came to me, with a fucked up face. He asked with an Indian accent, "I thought you said that one should learn from mistakes and not to repeat them. Why did you repeat your mistake?" I actually wanted to tell him that I was bullshitting. But Miss Wong was by my side. It was hilarious.

On Day 6, I taught the other indian students how to say "Cow Shit" in Mandarin. Lololololol, ALL of them started calling him that. Then it spreaded to Mr Foo, he then stopped it.

Everyone in 2C and Sri Kumaran Children's Home agreed with me that Kaushik looks like Suresh. With the help of 12 guys, I managed to take a shot of Suresh together with Kaushik. I will upload the picture as soon as I send it to the computer.

Hahahaha, but nevertheless, he gave me a present and a smile on the last day at the airport. :D

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See the change as compared to the first picture?

Frankly speaking, I miss him. I miss the fun we had together. Lol, by the way I will be seeing him next year at India! Cool man. We racists are going to India. I wonder what will happen. Lolololollllll.


Currently, I'm working on two songs.

Sleep tight everyone.

P.S. I'll be in Malaysia in about 17 hours' time.

Cheers. :D

Quote of the day: "Sugar, spice, and everything nice isn't meant for only girls."


Unknown said...

So Soon Hap! How's it hanging buddy?!
Funny that my sister had to find this blog post during a casual Google search of her brothers name!!

Unknown said...
