Wednesday, November 22, 2006

This post is dedicated to everyone from 2C'06 and 3A'07.

Hello & Goodbye.

The option given to me was Option 1:
-E Maths
-A Maths
-Combined Humanities (Geography Elective)

Which is 3A.

Two days ago, the first person who told me that I got into 3A'07 was Nicholas Zhang. The conversation went like this:

SH: Hello... (I was awoke by his call.)
NZ: Yo, you got into 3A.
SH: Huh?
NZ: Yes, you got into 3A. No kidding or April's Fool today.
SH: Really?
NZ: Yes.
SH: Okay, bye.

To make damn sure, I called Nigel, Wynne, Justin and Cheryl. All of them said so too.

Alright, to make damn fucking sure. I went to school. When I reached, Isabel called me. She told me that I got into 3A too. Since I was in school, to make damn fucking fucking sure, I went to the noticeboard. Yes, what all of them said was true.

The pros and cons of getting into 3A'07.

12 of my previous classmates (2C'06) got into 3A.
My previous 'best friend', Nicholas Zhang got in too.
I know half the class.
Most of the pupils from 2C'06 will be my neighbours.
Miss Ang will be teaching us.
The classroom is the nearest to the watercooler at Level 3.
It's triple sciences, and I like science. So it's good, in a way...

It's stressful.
All the nerds are in 3A.
People from 3A & 4A are usually outcasts. (Justin said that)
I don't know half the class.
No jokers from 2C'06 got into 3A.

Well well well, I've thought about it. I think I'll stay in 3A'07. I heard that some students who were posted into 3A'07 are appealing out. So, I really want more 2C'06 students in this class. John wants to appeal into 3A, maybe Yinglin and also Suresh.

Lolololololollllllll, let's hope that it will happen.


Regarding my previous post, some tagged at the tagboard.


Andrea: Lololol, Mojo the man!
Fiany: Hello! Haha I prefer Powerpuff Girls. :D
Alison: Yo. Lol, they reminded me of a band. Gang Green. Hahaha.
LALA: Hello. Yeah, they rock. :D You are?
Tinghui: Thanks. Lol, I know you also watch PPG. :)
Richny: Hello, are you upset about the posting? Don't be sad okay.

Good morning. I'm turning in.


Quote of the day: "Once again, the day is saved. Thanks to the Powerpuff Girls."

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