Sunday, December 03, 2006

The previous post was short and meaningless. My apologies.

Okay okay okay. Few days ago, I had created an account at so I can download videos to kill time. Yes, they sent me an email to activate my account. I didn't really bother about that email until today when I saw it again. It stated: "Click here to activate your account." So I did.

It was activated. I clicked "Login". And guess what, I forgot my username. -.- I think I still remember the password. Aiyah, how can you log in without a username? I remembered using my NRIC No. during registering. Wtf. ---.--- So now you know that SoonHao has short term memory. D: *Keep reading my blog, and you will see the fugly side of SoonHao*


1st December was a friday. Nicky, Jovin, XuanZheng, Shaun and I went to Vivocity. It was the so-called Grand Opening of Vivocity. Hmm, nothing much happened. Things went as usual.

First thing we did was purchasing our movie tickets. We planned to watch Open Season. I'll elaborate more about it later. The movie starts at 2.30pm.

Since it was 1.30pm, we had lunch at Carl's Jr. I had a Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich Combo. The burger was huge. It was filling, real filling.

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Anyway the drinks could be refilled. So we wanted to do something... cheap. Lololol, to refill the drinks and then smuggle them into the cinema. Soon we realised that it was 2.35pm. -.- Yah, we rushed into the cinema, with three refilled cups of drinks in Jovin's bag. We helped to cover. ^^

The timing was just right. The second we settled down, the movie started.

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The whole movie's about this bear named Boog. He helps a deer Elliot to escape from Shaw, a hunter. After the animals are drawn together into the forest they become lost just as hunting season begins. So Boog planned everything. From getting the "weapons", to chasing the hunters off. That's it. Nothing special, BUT the characters are hilarious. No harm watching Open Season, so try. :D

We then headed to Toys "R" Us. We wanted to buy Nicky a present. A belated one. He insisted that he wants a Nightmare Before Christmas keychain. From, you know those tikum tikum machines. :D

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This was what he got.

Each of us tried our luck. We aimed for the black one. But all of us got Nicky's one. We tried eight times in total. But still, we didn't manage to get the black one.

So, if you managed to get the black one. You are uber lucky.


Today, my family and I went to Parkway Parade. My parents bought for me a pair of Levi's Jeans. Hmm, actually I wanted a semi-sleeves shirt from Top Man but it just doesn't suit me.

Alright, I'm still guessing my username.

And I'm sleepy.


P.S. My sister may be coming to TK for relief teaching next year! :DDDD

& Happy Birthday TK! :D

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