Saturday, March 31, 2007

I took two tests yesterday.

Physics Level Test

"Physics Level Test is today, during assembly. Those who has IPW, take it at 2.30pm."

That was clearly written on the board on Wednesday.

I had IPW. I'm supposed to take it at 2.30pm. But I heard it's difficult. So I ponned it.

The next day he went to class to look for me.

Mr Wee: Why didn't you take the test?
SH: Oh, I go see doctor.
Mr Wee: Huh?
SH: Dental appointment.
Mr Wee: Okay. Today is the retest.
SH: Huh, eh okay.

In the afternoon, I saw him in the canteen.

SH: Eh sir, I thought that retest is tomorrow(Friday), so I didn't study.
Mr Wee: But I need to mark all the papers by today.
SH: Please lah.
Mr Wee: Okay, only for you.


It's siao. 1h 15min paper. 60 marks. But guess what? Mr Wee was damn high yesterday, he wore contact lens mah. He forgot to time and invigilate me.

So, he gave me the Physics paper at 1.15pm and told me to hand in at 4.30pm. At that moment, I was carrying my Physics notes. Muahahaa.

I took my own sweet time of course. BUT I WAS HONEST. :] I handed in at 5.05pm. Omfg, soonhao! He said nothing, smiled and marked the paper.

E Math Level Test

It was manageable. Just that I lost a mark so far.


Taking Point. Yesterday I presented. "What is your view on joke-telling and practical jokes?" Everyone said it was okay. I managed to make Mdm Nora laugh. Some complimented that it was nice.


3A got third for Interclass Netball Competition, and first for table tennis.

Okkay. See ya around. ^^

P.S. Isabel kicks. ;]

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