Friday, April 20, 2007

Hi everyone!

I'm feeling much better as I'm recovering each day. On Monday, I think I will be able to trash noobs at the basketball court.

Enough of mentioning basketball, it irks me.

The burning question in 3A is: Did Soonhao kena dengue fever?

In 3A, if I'm not wrong, whenever any teacher asks about my whereabouts, the class will give two answers.

#1. He went for OBS camp with Jamie and Rachel.

#2. He kena dengue fever.

The first one is possible, because I'm off for a week, just like the OBS campers. The latter is a little hard to believe. If I really do, I would have been admitted into a hospital. But since Monday, I have been consciously blogging at home.

So, the answer to that question is: No.

Don't worry, I'm healthy and mosquitoes hate me. It's because I try my best to kill them, whenever I see them.


Actually I enjoy slacking at home like that - no lessons, no homework, no teachers, no pressure, no stress, & no school. All you gotta do is just to stay alive. & eat, & bathe, & most importantly rest.

But it's kinda boring repeating such daily routine. So I went jamming today. For 40 minutes, I paid 5 bucks. While the rest got to jam longer, and they paid lesser.

We had a game or two of table soccer. Man, I want to master the skill of table soccer, and to challenge some other players, experts, or even professionals. I'm very interested in it. Aha, I guess I've found another way to kill time.

As my fever subsided and my sore throat gets less sore, my cough goes on.

Btw, I'll be going to school tomorrow for English lessons with Mdm Nora. Jamie and Rachel will be joining me.

Wokay, that's enough and I have to rest.

I'll see everyone on Monday with a new haircut.

So long! :]

Tag replies:

Tiffany, Haha, thanks! Same to you though. Lol.
Justin, Can say so. Maybe that's why the doctor gave me MCs.
Xiaoxuan, Lol. I already said it's a blessing in disguise. ^^
Richny, Hahaha. No, I didn't kena dengue. & I'm fine. ^^
Noel, No I didn't kena dengue. Suspected dengue though. Lol.
Alison, Lol, I'm having the life of my time. But, without dengue. xD Aha.
Wanzhen, Lol thanks many many. ^^

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