Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I live up to my reputation of being "Pon King".

#1. Today, I ponned 15 minutes of Additional Mathematics. I saw Miss Wong on my way to the canteen and said, "Eh I go there for a while ah." She said nothing and nodded her head while I walked past her. Wtf? So I went to get canteen to buy a drink and some biscuits.

#2. I ponned the Additional Mathematics Level Test right. There were two retests last week, on Tuesday and Saturday respectively, and I ponned both of it. And today, the third and so called 'final' retest, I still ponned it.

SH: Hello Miss Wong!
Miss Wong: Hey, why so late? I thought you're supposed to come at 2pm sharp?
SH: Yalah! Mrs Chee luh! Got what Chemistry lessons. (It's true) I told her that there's a retest already but she kept saying that she'll explain to you soon.
Miss Wong: Ah, never mind. You have to take the retest now.
SH: Huh! I got to go home at 3pm leh. Cher, tomorrow lah?
Miss Wong: Actually it is the third and last retest, but tomorrow I'm taking two students for the retest during assembly.
SH: Okay! Let me join them!
Miss Wong: *Shake heads* Haiyah. Okay lorh.

What the fook!?!

On the other hand...

SH: Mrs Chee, help me explain to Miss Wong that today got Chemistry lessons. So retest tomorrow can?
Mrs Chee: No no, be a good student and take the test. *Winks*

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Tomorrow's the fourth and final retest. I better resist the temptation of ponning, and take the retest otherwise... @#%(^(&%!!


Two nights ago, I was groping in the dark, for my Spongebob.

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I knelt down and heard a crack. I picked up that object under my knees and to my horror, or rather surprise at that moment:

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"Wow, who's that kind soul who set this "Fireworks" picture as my wallpaper for me?"

I started to think, who? After a couple of seconds, I realised that I'm a retard.

It's a crack in the LCD screen.


Thus I have to use the spare phone.

And oh yeah, I've found a good quote.

I still can't believe that out of ten million sperms, you are the winner.

With that, see ya suckers!


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