Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'm contented with my Napfa test results.

Sit-Ups - 43 [A]
Pull-Ups - 8 [A]
Shuttle Run - 9.5s [A]
Standing Board Jump - 238cm [A]
Sit-&-Reach - 45cm [B]
2.4km Run - 10:42min [B]

For Sit&Reach and 2.4km run, it's just 1cm and 1s to As respectively. Oh well, a total score of 28/30. I've golded Napfa test! :]


"Soonhao, where are you? I didn't see you today."

Lol, nobody saw me yesterday. Where did I go?

It's Friday the 13th and something happened to me.

I was unwell in the morning. A bit feverish, temperature of 38.2°C.

So I slept until 1.30pm. It's so difficult to wake up, and my dream kept repeating. It's freaky. When I woke up, my vision was blur and I thought I would go blind.

Visited my family doctor.

"It may be a suspected case of dengue fever."

He wrote three letters.

"LSH is unfit for OBS course."

"LSH is unfit to attend school on Friday, 13th April 2007."

"LSH is unfit for CCA/PE for seven days."

It's a blessing in disguise.

No training = No aches + Soonhao can slack.

Lol, I won't be attending OBS course. I hope that those who are going can enjoy themselves. It's the jellyfish season! :]

Temperature log:

According to the doctor, temperatures will go up and down and I will feel cold and hot. I'm feeling hot and perspiring now.

Okay, enough said. I will be having dinner in a restaurant later?

Btw, sorry to those who I sort of erm, 'pangsehed'? Really sorry.

I'm feeling giddy and dizzy now.

"Have plenty of water, and plenty of rest."

Sleeping soon.

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