Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Aww. Nowadays, school is all about disturbing teachers and having fun out of boredom.

(It's rare that I talk about school, here I go.)

Aha. Had Physics today. We kept imitating Mr Wee's accent, which irritates him A LOT. Rofl. And I ask him random stuff like, "How often do you shave your hair?" and "Will you sing Spice Girls songs for the class?" ._.

Hah. For A Maths, we irritate Ms Wong by making her to guess which OHP is in working condition. There are three in our classroom now.

The first one is spoiled, the focus knobs are..damaged.
The second one produces a blur image on the screen as John, our dear ex-vice-chairman, poured GreenTea on the lens.
And lastly, the one which is in great condition.

And..we wasted 10 minute. What from a '3A'. Heh.

Haizz, lessons bore me and I'm always looking forward to after-school activities like CCA and going-home.

Had basketball today. We went to the gym for physical training. And yup, I aim to touch the rim by the end of this year, and to work out the bottom abs (which is difficult to).

There will be a match tomorrow at 4pm. Coach will not be there, so he appointed me to be the stand-in 'coach'. Let's see how it goes then.

Jinyi, Yuuup it does. :D
Mingyew, Aha I can see everyone's name in the Hexic buddy list.
Yingtai, Okay point taken. I wonder if our dear Justin Khaw takes notice of the two tags.
Rachel, Hexic rocks okay. Sometimes I play for hours, that means I stare at the screen for hours and thus getting headache.
Genevieve, Jinvivi! Yes I own you aha aha.
Kangster, Ferrero Rocher lah! LOL he's damn fortunate.
Gwendolyn, Muahahahaha. Try harder. :D Btw I saw my name in your post! :]
Yingtai, Erm, online at MSN. Play with friends, under 'Games' I think. Anyway you got it already.
Aisyah, YOYOYO. Lol see my mood lah. :D
Yingtai, How do you find the game? Fun? :D Aim for a million.
Josie, Okay set. Challenge accepted. Aha Josie!
Tiffany, Erm, by making black pearls in Stage 7. Lol, yupyup.

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