Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hey guys I'm back.

I said that I would update more about the Vietnam trip when I get back but..I'm kinda weary now, after all that boarding and alighting. And I need my sleep.

But one thing to cure your curiosity - how do pigs have sex?

Okay. Basically the female stands on four legs, while the male stands on two legs. The female then remains still. & the male starts humping from the back for hours.

I guess I'll update everything tomorrow? It will be picture-blogging.


I'm looking forward to tomorrow - my cousin's wedding dinner. My whole family (I mean my whole family tree) is going to turn up. It's kinda a family gathering to me.

Just then, my parents bought me a long-sleeved shirt from Topman for tomorrow's event. It's a black shirt with silver stripes.

And yes, that cousin of mine is called June, also commonly known as princessgx, currently 23 years old.

She appeared on a magazine cover few years back. & if I'm not wrong, she signed up for Singapore Idol's and Project Superstar's auditions and got into second round for Singapore Idol.

Haa, she was also featured at You can take a look of it here.

And lastly, her Youtube's hilarious. Search for them yourself. Rofl.

Have you seen her before? :]

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