Monday, July 02, 2007


[Click to Enlarge]


But still, I can't hit 1,000,000.


The closing ceremony at National Stadium was okay. Pictures.

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(I went for the band because I don't usually watch soccer.)

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(But nevertheless I've enjoyed it.)

Australia vs Singapore.

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Everything ended with a display of fireworks. (Not exactly, there was a party from 10.30 to 3am that night.)

After which, had supper at KFC with Shariff, Yingtai and Nicholas. And then reached home at approximately 12.30am.

Tag replies:
Alison, Rofl. Yes, we'll taking pink! Coach agreed already.
Gwendolyn, Muahaha, pink rocks. So does my pink shirt.
Yingtai, No comments.
Josie!, ROFL. I prefer calling you that, what's so embarrassing? I think Bok is rather possessive.
Huimin x), Hahaha. Yup. I actually like Joo Chiat's food. And lol. Lol.
Kangster, There you go.
SHAAAAA, Hello Shaaaaa. Okay. Yes, and point taken. :]

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