Saturday, July 21, 2007

Yesterday was full of Pocket Monsters!

I traded my Graveler and Kadabra to my friend's Gameboy and they evolved into Golem and Alakazam respectively. It's pretty cool yeah. I got Zapdos, Raikou, Dratini and Roselia in return. After which I cloned them, and traded them back.

Thanks Noel!

Uhuh, I took E Maths and Physics tests yesterday. Physics test was manageable, but E Maths test was fed up.

This morning, I reached school at 8am to take Chemistry Quiz 8. It was okay too.


I'm catching Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix later.

Speaking of Potter, here's a video. It has 7,153,530 views on YouTube, so most of you may have watched it before. Nevertheless, enjoy it. :]

Tag replies:
Janice, Linked. Hahaha.
Kangster, Okay you're gone. Lol I wonder when will I see you again. Kang ah kang..
Tiffany, Lol now you know. Hahaha cow and horse sex. :]
Yingtai, Why do you like elephants? LOL. They make you horny ah.
Alison, Lol it's a museum. And I'm just posting what I read and saw. So yeah, lol..
Tiffany, It will be cool if we can do a rat dissection. Haa, for the topic 'Digestion'.
Alison, Fresh organs. Lol.
Sheep, Cheer up. Don't be sad. :]

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