Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pink is the new black

Hi all. I'm back to decent blogging.

First things first, I got my Epiphone Les Paul guitar (at last!).

Last Sunday, my parents brought me to Sweelee's showroom at Bras Basah Complex.

At first I wanted an Epiphone Les Paul Standard Ebony. But in the end I got myself an Epiphone Les Paul Ultra, which is towards the higher end of Standard.

Take a look at it.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It costs a grand. And yes, my parents bought it for me. I think I ought to thank them.

Thanks a lot, Mum & Dad! :D

Uhuh. I will be using this fabulous guitar to perform on Teachers' Day. For your information (if you're still unaware of it), my band has signed up for Talent Search.

We will be playing this song called "Silence Is A Scary Sound" by Mcfly.


A few of my friends asked me why the sudden change in the blog skin, the sole reason to it is that the previous skin is temporary (but somehow it lasted for a few months). And yes, I picked a default skin which is pink in colour.

I'm glad to say that pink is part of my life. I have pink shirts and ties, I pick pink straws when buying bubble tea, I eat titbits with pink wrappers and I have a pink blog skin currently.

It's perfectly normal to me and some of my friends but people like Sandy thinks otherwise. >:]

Anyway here are my Common Test results:

E. Maths - 35/50
A. Maths - 33/50
Chinese - 27/50
Biology - 26/50
Physics - 27/50
Chemistry - 30/50
Geog. Elect. - 13/25
Social Studies - 11/25

Okay I maintained for all subjects except Physics.

I guess I have to mug real hard for Final Year Examinations. And that is my promise to my parents after having that Les Paul.

45% of the whole year's assignment. I got to strive real hard.

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