Thursday, August 16, 2007

Since Common Tests are over and I'm bloody free, I shall update on..


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The big day started off sunny. We took the train down to Marina Bay Station and realised that there wasn't any way to the entrance. It was stupid, okay.

We took the train back to City Hall Interchange and walked to 'Marina Bay'.

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Red figures moving under the sun can be a nice scene. Uhuh. Lol.

I'm glad to say that we're early.

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So yup. Being in Blue Sector, we sat just beside Yellow Sector to get the best view. (Yellow Sector is in the middle.)

We were entertained by interesting Pre-Parade performances.

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We put up tattoos.

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Soon, crowds gathered in and formed a sea of red.

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At about 6.30pm, the parade kicked off.

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This year's fly-past was somewhat special, I think.

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As the sky darkened, the whole place became prettier.

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Lastly, the parade ended with a display of fireworks.

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It was a blast!

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Singapore!

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Cheryl, Lol. Harry Potter is a must-watch.
Yiyan, Lol for fun. Anyway did you tell Jestin anything?
Huiminx), I'm braver to wave at you.
Kangster, Back. Again. Hello Mr Kang, Ho Seh Bo?
Clayton, Oh my god. Indians rock okay.
Kangster, Hi.
Eileen, I think it's cool and I want to do it if I have the chance to.
Genevieve, Blue! Didn't see you. Rofl.
Huiminx), Now you can recognize better.
Alison, Lolol true true.
Eileen, :]
Mingyew, Hahaha stupid Chinese.
Alison, Happy Belated Birthday Alison! I felt sorry for that SMS. LOL.
Huiminx), Lol? Okay.

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