Friday, December 29, 2006

Enough of the Merry Christmas(es), here comes the ABC.

Umm, I don't know if I should blog about this. Aiyah anyway, it goes like this. (ABC, YOU CANNOT READ THIS. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.)

Erm... few days ago during my granduncle's funeral, I met this girl, namely ABC. First impression was okay lah. Except that both of us don't know each other. She's rather good-looking. Yes. In fact, very.

Lol, I tried something monster. I actually wrote down my mobile number on a piece of note and passed it to her. She was talking on the phone and like, huh? Walao lah, I was so alien. I didn't receive her sms/phone call immediately. At that moment she was holding onto her phone, doing nothing. I thought I was ignored. Very sad right.

But anyway when I got home, she sms-ed me. I found out that she's from TKGS. She said that my handwriting is nice, for a guy. :D Haha and yeap, she knows Cheryl, Boonmay(omg) and FN(omfg). It's a small world after all. I also found out that she is related to me, in a way... cousins. :D

Okay lah, I may sound desperate but I don't like her okay. Lol. & I'm glad that I have a damn good-looking cousin. & she's nice too. ^^

Due to short term memory, I forgot why is she called ABC. And and and, her name shall not be disclosed.


My parents sold their car. In return they bought a new one. Getting it next year.

Hmm, life has been bored and meaningless. Yah... as usual.

That's all about it.

Good night. ^^

P.S. ABC, if you read that. I will cry. Haaaaah.

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