Saturday, December 30, 2006

School's reopening in a couple of days. Being my usual self, I'm supposed to be excited now. But I am not. In fact I'm worrying about my homework. Hmm. That damnfucked Social Studies holiday assignment. Actually I have collected 5 out of 25 articles but the computer hung before I could even save it. Damn pissed off. For the Maths holiday homework, I forgot the formulae already. Wtf right.

Lololol... I know that I shouldn't bitch about life. But nevermind.


Attended a wedding dinner at Hyatt Hotel, Orchard last night. The theme was about roses I supposed. Yeap. Beautiful. The groom was my mother's cousin. Err it was my first time seeing him and I didn't know that he was my uncle until my mother told me. It doesn't matter. Anyway the food served was delicious. Realllllyy. I had a cup of red wine. & I played Pokemon during the intervals. Lololollll.

At first my parents and I decided to take a stroll along Orchard Road. But the dinner ended at 12.30am. And both my parents had to work the next day. So yup, we went home.

I bathed immediately after reaching home at 1am. Then had a few games of Sudoku with people. Guess what, later about 4am I became the messenger boy for Weiting and Abygail! -.- In a way like this: I was talking to Weiting on the phone, so yup. I typed out what Weiting said to Abygail, and say what Abygail typed out to Weiting.

Abygail: Sec4s rock and Sec3s should eat dirt. Ask weiting if she agrees.
Weiting: No lah, I'm not that bad.
Soonhao: HAHAHA.

See, Weiting isn't as mean and evil as Abygail. That's what I concluded.

Then I slept at 5am. The sleep was comfortable, due to the drinking of red wine. ^^

See, my life is so random. & I don't wanna be a messenger boy. I need to spice up my life. =/

Okay lah. Must replenish the lack of sleep today. Good night. ^^

P.S. Abygail is mean. Weiting is nice. =D

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