Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My sister just returned from her trip to Japan. She went with her school band. And yeap, she bought presents for everyone in the family. Hmm, she gave me an Adidas shirt. ^^

I think it's really cool going overseas with your friends. And I may get a chance to do it next year.

India, for the twinning programme with Sri Kumaran Children's Home. ^^ (I miss Cowshit.)

And some other countries like New Zealand. If possible. But apparently my coach's rather unhappy with my progress. He may remove the 'Captain' title of mine anytime. Wtf. If he does so, there goes everything, down into the drain. Next wednesday confirming the captain. Just pray hard that my position remains. Arrrgggggghhhhhh. -.-


Just then, I found another way to kill time. I mean spending a few weeks on it.

I Googled my name. I planned outings. I had outings. I went overseas. I had trainings. & I watched Powerpuff Girls.

So, I tried the new Game Boy Advance SP. (It's not that new by the way.)

Recently I've been playing the newest version of Pokemon.

Like all of us know, the FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire, Gold, Silver, versions are about a trainer namely Ash, who goes round his world catching Pokemon, defeating gym leaders, becoming the world champion, yeah?

Now, presenting Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team! :DDDDD

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If you woke up one day, and you were a Pokemon? You find yourself in a new world, where you can speak and interact with other Pokemon. You and your partner Pokemon set out on rescue missions, to save the world from natural disasters.

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In short, you are a Pokemon instead of a trainer. Your aim is to save the world from natural disasters. Like fighting with Groudon and Kyogre. And helping little Pokemon like Rattata, when it's lost in a dungeon. Or even escorting Nidoqueen to her love, Nidoking. There's lots more.

You have a rescue team base, where you can rest in it to prepare for other missions.

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Yes, this is my rescue team base.

The Pokemon Square has Pokemon-shaped buildings house all sorts of shops and services. You can buy items at the Kecleon Store, and Kangaskhan Storage is a place that will hold on to your items while you're in a dungeon. If you're looking to hone your fighting skills, go to Makuhita Dojo to get in some practice. There's even a bank.

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The Pokemon Square!

You don't catch Pokemon when you're one. You impress them with your ranks. Currently mine's platinum. :DD And once they get impressed, they will ask if you will accept them in your team. I have about 40 Pokemon in my rescue team now. Hmm.

And there's a big difference as compared to the older versions. You see your enemies moving around you when you're in a dungeon. The definition of foes are those who are not in your team. Yes, you see them moving around. Unlike in those older versions when you walk between tall grasses they appear from no where.

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You see that Pokemon infront of me right.

Gengar is the bastard of the game. He ruins everything I do. He causes other rescue teams to chase after me as he claims that I was that evil human who abandoned a Pokemon. But nevermind, I gained their trust and they turned the tables against Gengar.

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Warning: Mild Cartoon Violence!

I really like this game alot lah. I spent a few weeks on it already. It's a must-try, must-buy, and must-play!

It's my sister's one, for everyone's information. But I play 7/8 of the game. ^^

Two more outings to add to the list:

18th of December to East Coast Park with some 2C-ians.
Someday in December to East Coast Park with someone.

Okay, good night everyone!!! :D

P.S. Support Pokemon! & Gengar sucks balls.

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