Thursday, December 14, 2006

Yesterday, something weird happened between me and a condom delivery man. I noticed that he was carrying a box of boxes. I peeped in and realised that they were condoms. Don't know why, I laughed damn loud. And he kept staring at me. -.-

Jokes aside.


Today my family and I went to attend my Granduncle's funeral.


For certain reasons, I didn't exactly cry or feel sad. Perhaps because he wasn't close to me. But anyway, through this it made me realise that my elders will be leaving me, and I have to cherish those times I spend with them when they're alive.

When I saw his family members crying, I start to imagine if someone who is closer to me passes away... how will I feel. & tears actually gathered in my eyes. -.-

What I've learned today: Cherish the times you have with your family members, friends, relatives, etc etc. Because god-knows-when they leave you, you will try damn hard to recollect the memories you had with them and regret that you didn't cherish them and then you'll cry even more.

"I'm alright, people! No need to comfort me. -.-"

In the meantime,

Richny says:
lol and im very hungry
SoonHao says:
anything thing to eat over there?
Richny says:
some biscuits
Richny says:
SoonHao says:
eat lah. haha
Richny says:
which i cant be bothered to eat LOL

What logic...? Richny's logic.


Got to go. Goodbye people.

Tomorrow going Vivocity to catch a movie. But we haven't decided on what to watch yet. -.-

P.S. P.S. = Popshit.

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