Friday, December 15, 2006

Yesterday I attended a motivational talk at Eunos CC. Very damn interesting. The speaker was none other than Mr Khoo Swee Chiow. He's a Singaporean. If I list out the things he did, you will know who he is.

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Mr Khoo giving a talk.

Okay. Year 1998, he climbed Mt. Everest.

Year 1999, he went to the South Pole.

Year 2000, he climbed the 7 Summits of the world.

Year 2001, he became the 1st South East Asian to reach the summit of an 8000m peak without oxygen aid. He also tried going to the North Pole but unfortunately he suffered frostbite on his fingers. But...

Year 2002, he tried once more and he succeed in reaching the North Pole.

Year 2003, he cycled from Singapore to Beijing in 73 days. Wtf. -.-

Year 2004, he swam across the 38-km the Malacca Strait in 22 hours.

Last year, he broke the Guinness World Record of the World's Longest Scuba Dive. It was outside Tampines Mall, if anyone remembered.

This year, once again he climbed Mt. Everest.

Yeah, these were what he did. A very respectable adventurer.

During the talk, he mentioned about Perseverance, Teamwork, Determination, Risk Assessment, Handling Failure, Passion and Courage.

"Remember you failure for 5 minutes. Enjoy your success for 5 minutes. After that, move on."

He also said that pain is temporary. Lol, this made me not to slack during trainings.

Very inspiring indeed.

Alright, yesterday night was spent meaningfully, thanks to Mr Khoo Swee Chiow! & I think I got inspired by him too. ^^

Goodnight. :D

P.S. Dare to Dream.

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