Saturday, December 16, 2006

A very good morning to all of you!

It's a very quiet and breezy morning. The air is just so great.

Right now... Ashley's chatting with me.
& Justin is still online.

Okay. Yeap I was saying that holidays are going to end. And wtf, I haven't touched my social studies homework. By the way I already completed half of the maths homework. So yah, I'm left with 25 articles (don't know for what) and half page of maths.

*** I'm terribly sorry to those band members who asked me to go for the concert. I didn't. Partly because I thought it was next friday. (Bahahaa)Anyway, yeap... I heard it was a success. ^^ That's very very very good. Haha.

Okay. It's 4.30am now.

Good morning. ^^

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