Friday, February 16, 2007

Yes... The computer is reformatted, and once again I'm able to blog.

I have lots of things to say. I shall start off with TK Basketball.

I don't know if it is a miracle, but it's a fact that Springfield got disqualified from the competition. They brought in suspended players to the game and it's against the rules. And thus we got into the second round by default.

Some of us felt bad, because we didn't manage to get into second round by skills, instead, by default. We didn't have much confidence in the match against Pingyi.

12/02/2007 Monday

Mrs Yeo looked for me at my classroom. She said, "Today there's a match at 4." I was like, "Huh." All of us had the same reaction. We weren't mentally prepared. What's more, it's the second round. We lost to Pingyi by 7 points. Erm, sad to say, we didn't try our best.

Alright, these are the schools in TK's group:
Bedok North Secondary School
Chung Cheng High School (Main)
Junyuan Secondary School
Ping Yi Secondary School

CCHSM has a winning history. Bedok North and Junyuan are both strong and good. & we lost to Pingyi. TK's the so-called lousiest in the group.

13/02/2007 Tuesday

Mrs Yeo called for a meeting after morning assembly. I thought it was some important announcement. But, she told us a story.

Once upon a time(I laughed when she said this), there was a king. His country lacked of strong men. And one day, three giants came and conquered the country. The king asked for help from his neighbours but all of them rejected his request. Then there's this little man. He said he could defeat the giants. The king entrusted him, and gave him a full suit of armour, a helmet, and a shield. The helmet and armour could not fit him, and the shield was bigger than him. The next day, he went to look for the giants. He picked up a few stones, and brought along a catapult. The giants took the challenge and charged forward. The little man shot a piece of stone, and it hit one of the giants' forehead. It collapsed. He did it to other two giants and they too collapsed. The king was delighted and the country became peaceful.

Mrs Yeo said the giants are CCHSM, Junyuan and Bedok North. It seems like TK will definitely lose the matches, but we can do it if we want to. Dunman High's HOD of CCA even praised that we improved alot, and that we're a good team.

Whatsoever, we'll try our best.

There are three more matches to go. Oh well. =/

14/02/2007 Wednesday

Valentine's Day.

Haha, the whole school was filled with roses, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, cookies, cards, etc. It seemed exciting, but not for me. Lol, I did not give out any Valentine gifts. The day seemed to be as usual. Ashley came back to school! :) She gave me bouquet of biscuits. Yes, it was wrapped in that way. And Joan&Yinglin gave me cookies. =D Lol, it wrote "Happy Belated Birthday" when it's Valentine's Day. HAHA. Thanks anyway yo.

Happy birthday Josephine. LOL.

15/02/2007 Thursday

Thursdays turn me on. The sole reason is Choices! I took up Inline-skating. It's very interesting. & I'm able to skate already. :D Just that I will lose my balance once in a while.

That afternoon, I talked to Mr Lee, our principal. & yes, it's true that Mr Lee goes round reading TK students' blogs. I think that's uber cool. He even tagged in one of the blogs.

TK Bloggers, especially the famous ones:
#1. No racism remarks/comments.
#2. No vulgarities.

These are the two strictly no-nos made by Mr Lee. Anyway he made a good point here.

Mr Lee said that a blog is meant for everyone to read. If he is to read an online blog, he won't be so called 'disturbing his privacy'. So yeap, those famous bloggers' blogs are commercialized. They blog for people to read, but not themselves.

I brought up that issue of some people impersonating Mr Lee, Mr TKH, Miss Ang, etc, in Abygail's tagboard. He said that "Mr Lee" wasn't him. He also added that he can impersonate me so perfectly and flawlessly, if he wants to. Thus he made a conclusion, "Always be careful online because you don't know who is who." Hah. -.-

I feel that Mr Lee's a nice and friendly principal. =D

After that, Hweekiat, Weilun, Nicholas, Sky, Indra, Weiquan, Ruizi, Shaun, Nicky and I went to Sakae Sushi at Parkway. Mrs Yeo gave us $130 to spend, remember the treat? We ate a total of 95 plates of food. Hmm, average it out, 9.5 plates per person. I think it worthed. The bill came and it's $178. Each of us contributed another $5 then. Haa, it's a good time for teammates-bonding.

Indra, the purest boy in TK. Check this conversation out.

SH: Yo Indra! You watch porn?
Indra: No, it's bad.
SH: Why?
Indra: It will cause you to create crimes.
SH: What crimes? *Controlling laughter*
Indra: You know, those in the newspapers. *Serious face*
SH: Oh, rape and molest ah. Oh I see.
Indra: How about you? You watch porn?
SH: HAHA. Yes. *People next to us laughing*
Indra: Why you want to watch porn?
SH: It turns me on. *Raise eyebrows twice.*
Indra: What do you mean by turning you on?
SH: Haha. *Hand raises to face level. Index finger straightened.*
Indra: Oh my god, you're sick! *Still unaware that I'm teasing him.*

SH: Eh, your hostel got girls?
Indra: No, cannot. But they come to do 'project', once or twice only. *SH, Nicky and people in the background laugh*
SH: Oh. Sad. You mean no female at all? So boring.
Indra: Got lah. The housekeeper. Only her.
SH: Oh. She chio or not?
Indra: She's quite old you see.
SH: Oh I see. You got 'play' with her? *Expecting a "Walao soonhao" from Indra*
Indra: Err, sometimes. I play with her Snake&Ladder.
SH: *Laugh out loud.* Okay, cool.

SH: Indra, do this. *Some sick stuffs.*
Indra: Huh. *Blurred expression.*
Weiquan: Walao Soonhao, don't bully Indra lah.
Indra: Huh. Aye Soonhao, where you learn these sick stuffs from ah?
SH: From your mother. *Raises eyebrows.*
Indra: Huh, really? *Another blurred expression.*
Everyone: *Laugh out loud.*

SH: Okay okay. I stop.
Hweekiat: Indra, next time you see Soonhao's father you tell him all these.
Indra: Will his father get angry? *Everyone LOL.*

That's how pure he is. Man, he's one of a kind and he rocks.

16/02/2007 Friday

Today's the first 'CCA-Leader' meeting, so called. We received consent forms for the leadership/cohort camps, and also another application form for National Youth Achievement Award, NYAA in short.

The concert sucked, big time. It's a waste of time, in my opinion.

My future PW group members and I went for the interview after the concert. We plan to do the case study of Physical Features and CCAs of the schools in Singapore and India, Banglore to be specific. Most probably we're in.

By the way today was supposed to be a 'Happy Happy Movie Day'. But somewhat Nicky, Xuanzheng and I didn't feel like watching movies although we agreed to the night before. Thus we went to the KFC at Kallang. Jovin and Melvin the cat joined us. Spent about an hour or two there, we then left for ICA Building.

We saw Ruizi the praying mantis, and Xinling the horny girl. Both were with their mothers. LOL. Jovin's identity card was made, we took train down to TM.

In the train, we saw Tinghui. Haa.

Reached TM. Did some window shopping and reading at Times. It was then I went home alone.


Yeap. This was how I spent my weekdays this week. =D

Isabel gave me a belated birthday card. It's super sweet of her okay. I would like to thank her over here. =D

Feedback on Soonhaowearingcontactlens.
#1. What everyone noticed was my spectacles tan.
#2. The question everyone asked was, "What happen to your spectacles?"
#3. The reply everyone gave when I asked if I look okay, "You look okay without spectacles."
One special comment by Firza, "Your tan is sexy." HAHAHAHA. -.-

Erm, a few good results to be shown off:
E Maths - 20.5/25
A Maths - 23/25
Physics - 33/40 (2nd in level!)

Lol, I didn't study for these tests and it's just a face of it. The other results are like shit. Haaa have to work harder.

It was really a shock when Jermaine told me that common test starts next week. I didn't know that sia. I guess I have to buck up.

Chinese New Year is in two days' time. I'm looking forward to it. The reunions, hongbaos, titbits, etc etc. Erm, Happy Chinese New Year in advance everyone! =D

Tag replies:
[indah] haha. no i didn't. but my eyes were red. thanks for the birthday wish anyway! =D
[astrid] LOL. i'm not a pervert. really. hahaha.
[haunts] lol you are?
[justin] thanks. hahahaha yes, i'm 15 already. -.-
[boonmay] thanks many many. =D
[jinyi] thanks. haha. same to you, happy belated birthday. -.-
[fiona] LOL. nvm lah. maths not important.
[joshua] hello.
[jingjia] hello.
[weirong] LOL. updated, ah ah. =D hahahahaha.
[noel] yo. yes, i'm going. haha see you there!
[alison] lol. xD but alot people don't know, still.
[astrid] yo. =D what you wanna say? haha. remember. :D
[noel] lol paiseh. i can't tell who is who. so yeap, saying '2F'06 guys' is perfectly alright.

Wokay, that's all folks. ^^


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