Sunday, March 04, 2007

I have not touched this blog for 15 days.

Reasons being:
Common tests.
No time.
Homework, etc.

Sorry for the lack of updates okay. So I'm gonna blog all the happenings in these 15 days into this post, hopefully.

18/02/2007 to 20/02/2007
Sunday, Monday & Tuesday.

It's Chinese New Year, and I really got into the mood of celebrating it. It was good to see all your relatives and friends in these days. & all of them said I grew taller. Some even said I looked better. That's a compliment. ^^

The only flaw of that holiday was: Too much homework.

Err, I know it's weird to watch movie on the 1st day of Chinese New Year. Yeap, my cousins and I went to Cathay Cineplex.

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Epic Movie! My sibilings commented that it was a waste of time. & my cousins said that it's stupid. Yes, I think this movie's just for laughs.

Here's a picture of us.
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It's surprising to see Linyi there too. He was with his friend.

23/02/2007, 26/02/2007 & 01/03/2007
Friday, Monday & Thursday respectively.

These were the days TK Basketball played in the second round. We lost all three matches. Err, I have no comments lah. & I'm satisfied with myself because I did not miss any passes and I scored a few points. That's an accomplishment. =D

ANYWAY, we are fighting for the Losers' Cup. >____>


It started raining in the wee hours of the day. The weather was cold and dark. In school, I saw the enthusiastic faces of the Secondary One and Two and I was really down. I walked to my classroom, and took this picture. -.-

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The secondary ones and twos were not there. So quiet.

YARH. Because of the competition, I could not go for the Cohort Camp. I was like, "Fuck lah." -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

I didn't miss Choices though. Err, I was blading in the canteen. It's slippery, and nice. ^^ Just then, Miss Ada Tan approached me and told me that Ruizi and I were in for the camp. She told me the details, etc. I almost hugged her man. I mean, I was very happy. Err, special thanks to Mrs Yeo, for 'fighting' for us to be in the camp.

The only result I got back was Chinese.

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Walao, kanasai.

The match against Junyuan was okay okay lah. We lost by 12 points, it's not too bad considering that they had four national players in their team. It's the last match anyway. =/

After the match, we went to Tampines Mall to have lunch. I shall praise McDonald's aunties over here! They really make my day(s), sometimes. You should buy dessert from the Dessert Counter at Mac's, the one facing the MRT. There's this old lady at the counter.

Erm, here's the conversation:
SH: Aunty, I want a McFlurry.
Aunty: Okay.
SH: Aunty ah, got Teletubies edition or not? *LOL*
Aunty: Huh, ni jiang se me? (What talking you?)
SH: Oh, nevermind.
Jovin: Wah, she gave you alot ice-cream.
SH: Aunty, more lah.
Aunty: Huh? Okay okay.
SH: Oreo I also want more.
Aunty: Huh? Okay. Hen ku de leh. (Very bitter one)
SH: Lol, thanks ah. Wo ai ni. (I love you)

Lol, told you that McDonald's aunties rock.

The ferry's leaving at 8am the next day. & I went home to pack and pack and pack.


I reached Marina Country Club at 7.15am when I was supposed to be there at 7.45am. My dad waited until Mr Vincent Tan arrived. Err, I walked to his red car. He was wearing a singlet. -.- Anyway he asked for my name, and why I was there, etc. So yup, I told him everything and we walked to the ferry bay.

At about 7.50am, there was this shuttle bus from Punggol MRT Station I supposed, arrived at Marina CC. Ruizi was in the bus. Then, a green car drove in and it's Mr Lee. Woah...

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My phone is not Sony Ericsson's Cybershot. It can't capture moving objects sharply. Yeap, that's Mr Tan on the left and Mr Lee on the right.

The ferry's supposed to leave at 8am. But Mr Ernest Fu was 10 minutes late. The 'captain' of the ferry, a friendly and middle-aged Malay man, kindly waited for him while others were grumbling away. Err, so yeap. Mr Lee, Mr Tan, Mr Fu, Ruizi and I went to Pulau Ubin! ^^ Sounds adventurous.

It was a 25-minute journey. We disembarked the ship and walked towards the campsite. It looks like a paradise, I'm serious. With a lagoon, restaurants, resorts, etc. Walking with Mr Lee got wind one. LOL. -.-

However, Ruizi and I were 'new' and had no group attached to us. So we did Sai Gang. Err, it means disgusting chores in Hokkien. Examples: Pushing a lot of Milo Refillers to the kitchen where floor was covered with oil. Packing up the instructors' room. Refilling refillers. Carry full-filled refillers up and down. That was retarded. -.-

After an hour, the Camp Chief attached us to Group 3/4. The student leaders were Wynne, Kenny, Jestin, Marcus, Sharkira, and a girl whose name I'd forgotten. The class we were handling was 2B'07. Erm, a fun class. Except there were a few bastards/bitches who disobeyed us. They were doing rock-climbing.

Jestin told me that they challenged(climbed) a pyramid in the cold and rainy weather. I was like, "Woah... o.0..."

But when I took a glance of the pyramid, I took another one, and another one. Then I took a picture of it.

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They actually climbed that 8-storey high structure. It's easy, seemed so. But in a cold and rainy weather, you might just faint and collapse and die on the spot. LOL.

Erm, the next activity was Leap of Faith. In this activity, you have to climb a 3-storey high log, stand on top of it, jump, grab a spongy bar, and hang there. Erm, test of guts, confidence, and self-believe.

I did not try, according to Shakirah, I have no balls. LOL. All the student leaders did not actually.

Lunch time. I went back to the tent area. Walao, a lot of butterflies. I was so freaked out. So then the girls knew that I was afraid of butterflies. HAHA. -.- The food sucked btw.

Suddenly, it started to rain.

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The rain was so heavy that the instructors put this up.

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Then it flooded.

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And flooded...

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Everyone squeezed into two shelters. Yes, 250 of us.

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We had to wait till the rain stopped. So we played games. =D

I introduced a very fun and interesting game to the student leaders, namely 007 Bang Ah Ah.

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And others played their games too.

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There's this earthworm on my shirt. -.-

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After the rain, chaos.

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The tents were flooded and sticks to support the tents broke. Almost everything got wet and everyone was really pissed.

Fast-forward to campfire. It's damn fun. ^^ I think it's the best part of the camp.

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Jonathan, I supposed, standing nearest to the fire.

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A closer shot, after the campfire was closed. ^^

I cheered like siao lah. Now having sore throat already.

After everything settled, we student leaders went to bathe. Err, and then slept under the shelter. -.-


Uh, after a couple of debriefing sessions, we went back to school. Then about 23 of us student leaders went to Mac's at Kallang to have lunch. It was enjoyable.

Hmm, once again I have to say that I like this camp! =D

Yeap, that's about it. See you. ^^

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