Friday, March 16, 2007

It's 3am in the middle of the night and I had just bathed. I feel goddamn refreshed now.

As usual I guess I have to put everything in the "XX/XX/XX XXXday" way. Apologies for the lack of updates. Especially to Weirong, who monitors this blog only when I don't blog. -.-


Here I begin...

05/03/2007 to 09/03/2007
Monday to Friday

It's the last week of Term One. What can I say about it - boring.

Err, I got back all my results of course.

English - 16.5/30
E Math - 33.5/40
A Math - 32/40
Chinese - 25/50 (I mentioned it before)
Biology - 24/50 [FAILED]
Physics - 36/50
Chemistry - 36/50
Geography E - 15/25
Social Studies - 12/23

Overall, I'm fine with it. My parents didn't whack me for doing badly for my Biology, Chinese and Social Studies. :)

I have been selected for OBS. Seems like everything is going according to plan. ^^
And so I will be away from school for a week. It's from 16/04/2007 to 20/04/2007. I'm so gonna play hard.

Holiday Homework:
English - Vocabulary Worksheets
English - Talking Point
English - Reading Scrapbook (Zz, I'm supposed to submit it two weeks ago & until now it's undone.)
E Maths - Assignment & Classwork
A Maths - Online Quiz
Chemistry - Revision Exercise
Physics - Worksheets on Reflection
Biology - Ten Years Series MCQs and an essay on enzymes.

This is one of the reasons why holidays suck.


3A's very first netball training. (:

I actually wore a pink shirt, and black Converse jersey shorts. We met at KFC and off to a netball court somewhere in the middle of Bedok South estates. So coincidentally, Jamie wore a pink shirt too, and black FBT shorts. LOL. Among the whites, there were two pinks. We looked like a couple, according to some. But of course, it's just coincidence.

"You all have a strong team what," said Yushan. LOL, I believe. -.-

After vigorous training, we went to McDonald's to have lunch. The girls actually pangseh-ed Changtat and I. Wtf. Fendy was one of the girls btw.

I couldn't finish my food. It's very rare for a Soonhao to have such a small appetite. After some decision-makings, we agreed to ask Bolor, Nicholas and Shariff out for soccer.

I'm a soccer retard who CANNOT aim properly. But apparently all of them said that I'm better than Nicholas. You get their point? ^^

Netball&soccer, that's how I spent this Saturday. -.-


Supposed to have basketball training, but... :D

The hydrophobic Soonhao went swimming instead. I won't say what's the meaning of 'hydrophobic', keep guessing. ^^ Don't worry, it's easy.

That night, my elder brother and sister brought me out. We went to Orchard. We had dinner in some sort of 'Japanese House' stall at Takashimaya.

Strolling along Orchard Road at night could be quite relaxing and enjoyable. Somewhere at Wisma Atria, there's this pub at Level One, there were three guitarists performing. They're experts at playing the guitar. One of them sang, while the other two guitarists were playing Lead and Background. They played "Speed of Sound" by Coldplay. No drums, but their strumming were excellent. It sounded as if there were drums. It's darn cool.

We took Neoprints at Heeren. LOL. Erm, I will put it up in my blog, soon...


I went for a medical check-up to fill up the OBS Registration form. The doctor said that I am fit for this course. :D

In the afternoon, I went to Vivocity with Cheryl, Yushan and Huiwen. One guy, three girls. ERR. Timothy was supposed to come, but his mother didn't allow in the last minute. We pangseh-ed Wenxin btw. =x (Cannot tell her ah) Had Carl's Jr. for lunch. And we watched a movie.

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Happily N'Ever After. Hahaha the whole theatre was filled with kids, I'm referring to children of age under 12. Err, it was alright, quite fun to watch it though.

We then headed to Century Square to take Neoprints. -.- According to Cheryl, I'm brave because I dared to take Neoprints, with three girls. LOL.

I will put it up too. But not now, soon...

I think I'm starting to like Neoprints, how gay.

Err, oh yes. We went to Cheryl's house. Huiwen and I played electric guitar and stuffs while Yushan and Cheryl did their "comic marathon".

Yeap, about 8pm, it was when I left Cheryl's house and went home.


My family and I brought our dog to a veterinarian. His face was swollen, due to unhealthy gums. He was hospitalized, and waiting to extract two teeth I supposed. LOL. Funny, I mean dogs can enjoy the comfort that human have too.

Err, I swam on that day also. ^^

Friday [Today]

I ponned training, and slept until 12pm. Then ate lunch, and did some homework. Today I was really bored so I blogged. :D

Tagbacks: [Oldest to newest]
[astrid] LOL. okay. that's good. and no tsk-ing. :D
[noel] lol yes, he's cool. & you're gay. bahaha.
[weirong] lol. okay. -.- happy chinese new year.
[fiona] linked. lol. :D
[michelle] lol hello! happy chinese new year too! though it's march already. haa.
[justin] i have something to tell you. other time. :)
[shariff] what people? this place is as quiet as my employer when I ask him phor an extra day off. :)
[jared] hello jared. you guys will win without me. haha. you're very tall btw.
[wanzhen] LOL. hello but i don't miss your tag. anyway BNSS is good. ^^
[huimin] hello huimin. =D
[richny] yes. hahaa. how's life?
[sharon] okay. i will relink you. lol.
[dean] lol i'm linking you up. :)
[izzy] LOL. yes yes. last night also.
[rina] okay. i will relink you. lol.
[weirong] LOL. i say sorry already right. :D anyway, updated. lol.
[astrid] don't. i will feel more guilty. LOL.


P.S. After all, elmo still rocks. :D

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