Monday, March 19, 2007

It's official, add now.


What does omfgitssoonhao mean?

Basically it means oh my fcuknig god, it's Soon Hao! Hahahahahaha, yes. (:


First day of Term II was bad for me. I was partially drenched in the morning before lessons. During the first period, I tried all ways and means to persuade Ms Low not to mark against my name on the list of "Barber to cut", she refused, smiled, and said, "It's free."

In my point of view, I think that getting students' hair cut on the first day of the term is a little unreasonable. We should at least be given a day's grace to get it cut wherever we want.

After the haircut (it's 5 bucks btw), I could feel the itch all over my back, which was not very comfortable for me. So uncomfortable that I can't concentrate to a certain extent. What's more? The haircut sucks.

I hate to bitch, but... if there's more negatives than positives in life, bitching is the only resolution to it.

Look on the brighter side.

Nicky showed me a video and I find it hilarious.

Some of you may have watched it before. Anyway here's the video:

I need a double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce
Don't be frontin' son no seeds on a bun
We be up in this drive thru
Order for two
I gots a craving for a number nine like my shoe
We need some chicken up in here
In this dizzle
For rizzle my mizzle
Extra salt on the frizzle
Dr. Pepper my brother
Another for your mother
Double double super size
And don't forget the FRIES...

Cool right. :D

Astrid is the first ever person who complained that my name, soonhao, is hard to pronounce. What's up with her man!?!? Therefore, she gave me a name called "Astrid2". She even claimed that it's nice. LOL.

Err, I finally learned how to play Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Greenday. I know I'm slow, nevertheless the song is nice. Country-ish. ;D

See you everyone!

P.S. To those who like me, :DDDDDDD.

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