Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Today was Interclass Competition for Secondary Twos and Threes!

Shaun and I were released at 1.30pm to set up the scoreboard, get basketballs, whistles and stopwatches, etc.

At 2.45pm, we started the matches. I refereed the Secondary Threes while Shaun and Ruizi refereed the Secondary Twos.

Results for interclass basketball competition:
3B, 3D, 3H - Finals.
2C, 2F - Finals.
2B, 2G - Third/Fourth placing.

From what I've heard, 3A won nothing. Haha hopefully we'll win the netball competition.

What's BIG, green, fat and ugly?

[Name not to be mentioned]

ERR. You know there's this monster walking around the school. She has a pair of popped-out eyes, and a tied ponytail. She wears a green checkered shirt. She speaks with an American slang. Her favourite colour is 'Rainbow'. & She laughs whenever something is funny. But, she's nice.

Having that dumbfcuked haircut makes me so insecure. In canteen, I don't have the confidence to walk pass a group of people. But apparently someone thinks otherwise. (:

I'm a bit late, but never mind. ALEXANDER IS BACK! :D

I have a Biology test tomorrow, and a Talking Point presentation on Friday. Homework is filling my life. I don't like doing all these. Haaa again I'm bitching.

Got to go. Bye bye bye. ^^

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