Monday, April 02, 2007

I have been enjoying life. & today was no exception, it was great!

I ponned Additional Math Level Test.

In the morning,
SH: Yo Miss Wong. :] Today I got dental appointment, so cannot take test.
Miss Wong: Huh. Why like that ah? Hmm, okay. Retest is tomorrow.

[But I swear that I'm not gonna take it tomorrow.]

Training was canceled.

Next training is on Wednesday. No training on Friday because it's Good Friday. Yeah.

Lunch at McDonald's with Clement, Nicky, Nigel, Clayton, Sean and Fiona.

I laughed hard today. Really enjoyed myself.

Oh yah, we hate a common person. :]

A brown and a pink tee from Topman.

Nicky and I went to Topman to get these two tees, which cost $16 each. I tried a total of six colours? He gave very useful comments. Lol.

I'm getting more materialistic. Here's my wishlist(temporary one):

Topman Green Checkered Semi-Sleeve Shirt.
Levi's Jeans.
Limited Edition Shoes.
Gameboy Micro.
More pink shirts.

I'm gonna have a proper jam on Friday.

Guitarists - SH & Rashid.
Bassist - Nicky.
Drummer - Kamarul.

Three songs to work on:
MCR - Helena.
RHCP - Dani California.
GC - The River.

So yeap, if everything goes well... we may form a band.

I hope so.


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