Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Recently, I sleep at 10.30pm instead of 2am.

The reason to it is that I'm lethargic and whenever I try to think, my brain cells die.

So homework is uncompleted and books are left untouched.

Today during Physics lesson, I actually went to the toilet to complete my homework.


We had [A Passage to India] today. IPW lah.

IT lessons on 'how to create your own website' in COE room! Slack time.

Mr Kang was the teacher. Nigel and I ponned for 30 minutes and walked around the school.

We went to the hall's gallery. Miss Nani was giving a boring talk and students were yawning, talking, and not paying attention.

Five stupid things we tried to do to end the boredom:
- To forward slides.
- To use the powerpoint pen to draw on the Banglah's face.
- To press "Escape."
- To block the lens so it won't be projected on the screen.
- To off the switch and everything would be gone.

But Adnan, the AVA boy, was superb. He had six hands and managed to stop us from crapping.

LOL, indeed we were crapping.


There were two tests in the afternoon. It's obvious that I didn't study. Me, Nigel and three other guys tried all reasons to pon the tests: Dental appointment, harp lessons, tuition, sick, ballet lessons, etc. But to no avail.

I flunked both Social Studies and Geography Elective tests.

For Geography Elective test, my answer for a 2-mark question was longer than my answer for a 6-mark question.

As for Social Studies test, fcukingbullcraplameshit. My essay was short. Less than 3/4 of the paper filled.


Oh well, it's just a time of my life.


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