Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Disclaimer: This post is gonna bitch.

This post is dedicated to someone namely '.l.'.

First of all, fuck you.

Hello, everyone knows I'm Soonhao. & that it is my blog. You didn't tag with a name, you fucking bastard. Why? You fucking dare not to. C'mon, hypocrites suck man. You don't like me? I welcome you to look for me in school or any fucking else where. Why tag without a name? No balls ah? You fucking suck.

Next, you tagged in my blog, cursing and swearing all sorts of vulgarities. What cheebye, fuck mom and dad, etc. You sounded like an uncivilized Chinese Ah Beng. And oh yeah, for cursing my parents, I fuck you and your fucking Banglah ancestors.

You are fucking naive. You think that tagging in my blog (without a name) can tarnish my reputation? LOL. You are fucking dumb. In school, my reputation is already bad. I am rude and I fuck around. >:] Those stupid fucking tags can't make it worse.

The way you cursed was also fucking childish. You mentioned about gays, animals, and stuff. And hello, FUCK is spelled this way. Not FUK or whatever fucking bullcrap.

Everyone, I swear, everyone despises anonymous taggers who curse like there's no Mama. You fucking suck man. I dare you, or rather let you to decide whether to tag with a fucking name next time. I welcome you to this blog, to read, comment, tag, etc. But if you don't like it, fuck off.

Yeah, you fucking ball-less hypocrite. C'mon, tell your name and let all of my readers laugh.

P.S. Everyone, let's see how this fucktard is gonna reply. & if he/she will reveal his/her name. Stay tuned.

P.S.P.S.P.S.P.S. & the blog goes on. :]

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