Sunday, June 03, 2007

Aww. It'd been a week since holidays started.

Okay. A school holiday is a time when students do not go to school but is free to do whatever they want, such as travel or relax. (According to dictionary.)

But it's kinda different in Singapore. Students in Singapore have to go back to school for lessons and activities like CCA, Camp, 'Be My Guest', etc.

Holiday homework plays a role in school holidays. It is a temporary burden to us. Every now and then, our minds will automatically remind us of the pile of holiday homework on our desks.

It kinda suck man. We don't enjoy ourselves to the fullest. We enjoy with the worrying thought of 'When will we complete our homework and how much time is left'.

I prefer the week before holidays start, before holiday homework is issued. That's when we experience the real holiday mood. However that week is also temporary. Lol life sucks eh.

Okay, just to sum up for this June holidays.

English - Paper I & II
E Maths - 2 Online Quizzes
A Maths - 1 Online Quiz & Worksheets
Chinese - 10 Oral Topics to be elaborated & Newspaper Review
Chemistry - Revision Exercise
Physics - Revision Worksheet
Geography - Structured Essay Questions & Alternative Assignment

Lessons & Appointments:
Chemistry Lessons - 1st, 5th and 7th of June
English Oral Training - 29th of May

'A Passage To India' Project:
Visit to Jurong Island - 29th of May
Bangalore Trip - 9th to 16th of June

Basketball Training:
Thrice a week, 4 hours per training.
*We may be having a training camp in a chalet.

I can't say I'm busy. I'm just..oh well.

Oh yeah, it's six more days to Bangalore Trip. I'm looking forward to it. When I return after eight days, it will be another week and then school will reopen. Aww.

On the happy note, my parents bought me a pair of Levi's Jeans for the Bangalore trip. Okay, I'm loving them. Lol.

Reply to tags:
Astrid, When did you stay in that hotel? Lol.
Astrid, Soaking in bathtubs is quite common. Don't you?
Yingtai, Lol. I'm not rich. And I heard that you're quite rich btw. Haha.
Gwen, Lol?
Boonmay, You and Astrid and your jokes. I still don't get it. :/
Xiaoxuan, Guys who wear pink shirts are not gay right! I supposed. Lol.
Astrid, I don't know why. Tsk.
Gwendolyn, As usual elmo rocks. :] Lol. You noticed the 'Mother Fucker' this time right. Muahaha. Cool man. & I know where you stay!
Tiffany, Lol I love fireworks too. :] I'm not looking forward to the next Physics lesson though, it will be the end of school holidays.
Huimin x), Because it's super accurate. x)
Yingtai, LOL WTF?
Yiyan, Hello Yiyan! Oh really? You were there too?
Justin, Yeah. Fuck his/her fucking Banglah ancestors. You hate anonymous taggers too right? :]
Justin, Oh well, you know me. >:]
Justin, I love you too, Justin.
Jinyi, Yeah. I love him too. Roflmao.
Astrid, I know, I know.
Alison, Lol anonymous taggers suck! (Not referring to you. :])
Yingtai, Lol banned. Don't you think I'm rude and vulgar in school? >:]
Astrid, It doesn't mean that I have sex around. .___. It means that I curse and point middle finger whenever I go in school.
Astrid, I don't think it sounds funny. Lol.
Mingyew, Hello Mingyew, I am Soonhao what. LOL okay lame. Anyway see you around in school.
Boonmay, Yo Boonmay. Lol okay okay lah.
Yingtai, Yeah. It may be him. He's fucking gay and no one likes him in class. Aww.

Zzz I want to sleep.

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