Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I watched Crimewatch. I am a good citizen.

But most importantly I learnt that premarital sex is bad.
A: Then what you expect me to do? We're still young, there's nothing we can do.
B: Do you love me in the first place?
A: I like you.
B: I love you seriously, and you..
A: I don't know what to do. *Pushes B away*
B: No! Wei..!
Okay this whole damn thing is about Person A having sex with Person B. Both of them are under the age of 16. Person B got pregnant and she met up with Person A to talk about it. And above is their conversation.

It's pretty obvious that Person A is a irresponsible bastard. >:]

Psst, is it familiar? Did you watch Crimewatch last week?

And yes it is a true story.



It's weird when you see your blog being mentioned in a tag at someone's blog. Especially when both the blog owner and the tagger are people you don't know.

Okay it happened to me.

Heh. It's about that post. Lol .l., fuck you again. >:]

And my primary schoolmate was pretty surprised to see the tag too, so she tagged.

Very weird huh.


Last night, my parents and I went to Mustafa. Hohoho, Merry Christmas.

We exchanged India Rupees for the Bangalore trip and also bought a socket which is specially used in India.

What can I say. I'm feeling it. The feeling of being in India, three more days to go.

I'm so gonna rock India.


Tag replies:
Gwen, Yeah. You don't talk crap in your tags. Bahaha.
Mel, LOL you asked me not to mention but you yourself..HAHA. Anyway it's from Statcounter.
Yingtai, Nah. I'm in Singapore. Will be seeing you tomorrow for Chemistry.
Xiangxiang, Wokay, sure. :]

P.S. I'm loving basketball training again. The passion is back.

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