Sunday, May 13, 2007

RE: Edited/Continued at 4:03 PM.

First and foremost, the deadliest Mid-Year Examinations are finally over.

Now that adds another reason to celebrate.

Well, jamming, going to MPL and going for lunch had been my usual activities this week. Nothing special, except for Friday. We went to Little India.

It's under the 'A Passage To India' project. We went to LITTLE India to get the feel of the BIG India.

There are four main purposes of this trip:
#1. To see Bangalahs.
#2. To eat the famous 'Muthu's Curry Chicken'.
#3. To understand the Indian culture better.
#3. To get the feel of being in India.

Okay. I took shots with Banglahs while Daniel took pictures of the food, mess, random stuff, etc. The pictures are with him. So I have to wait till he uploads them, and then I can rip and put the pictures here. Lol. Thanks Daniel!

Btw, I bought a necklace/bracelet/chain/ring thing for my Mom for Mothers' Day.




I spent a lot of money. On Mothers' Day gifts & birthday presents.

Yes. I bought Mothers' Day gifts for three of my aunts and my maternal grandmother. Also, I bought birthday presents. For my Uncle, & for someone whose birthday is near to a month before.

Oh well. Lol.


Regarding the lame tags by Nicky, this is it.

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Nicky and I think that both of them look alike. (Kelvin Tan's better-looking.)

Jiadong calls himself 'Ronnie' & 'Katong Reborned' btw. LOLLL. RONNIE.

We also found this in MPL. -.-

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Teens Magazine, April 2006 Issue. (I know that it's exactly one year ago, but I still have to post this.)

Okay. I was flipping and I saw this, which caught my attention.

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After 10 minutes, I then realised this:

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OMG LOL WTF? Okay. As usual, Wenxin looked funny.

Let's see how they feel about the perfect age a boyfriend should be.

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Wenxin is entertaining, yes she is!

Lastly, Happy Mothers' Day to all mothers in the world!

Tag replies:
Jasmine, Lolololl. Okay. Make sure you link me then. :]
Alison, Zzz. [Replied]
Huimin, Okay. I'm gonna link you now. Lol.
Xiaoxuan, Lol. Enough of jamming in girls' toilet. Lol. & yes I'm getting that guitar. Lol.
Astrid, I know that. Oh yes I do.
Nil, Zzz.
Shariff, Don't use awkward scales.
Anonymous, Lol. Actually we have not decided it yet. Who are you btw?
Aisyah, Lol okay. Regarding MCR, Mikey left the band already. Lol. It's good, in a way.
Nicky, Lol. It's rare that you tag blogs. Okay, fuck you too. =) _|_
Nicky, Yes he is.
Nicky, Yes it is. =) =) =)
Astrid, LOL. Yes I'm a hexic pro whose score is 366195. LOL. :D
Nicky, Yes. Ronnie = Katong Reborned = Jiadong = Chen Wei Lian = Kelvin Tan. =) =) =) =) =)
Boonmay, Lol. Hello! :D
Huimin, LOL. x) is gay and gay is cool. That means x) is cool. -.- Lol whatever. x)

See you everyone. Cheers. ^^

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