Thursday, May 24, 2007

'Knowing Your Secondary Schools' Day @ Tampines North Primary School

Mabel unexpectedly joined us. Z.Z

- Mr Ng, our dear Operation Manager, fetched us to TNPS.

He got horned thrice for stoning after the green lights' up. He drove illegally; one hand controlling the steering wheel while the other holding a mobile phone.

2.15pm - We reached TNPS. Interaction with parents, students and teachers.

We proceeded to the hall. There were other schools too, mainly from the east zone. They were: Springfield Secondary, Tampines Secondary, Dunman Secondary, Victoria School, Junyuan Secondary, etc.

I was in full jersey, Gwen was in full NPCC uniform, Jeremy was in full NCC(Land) uniform and Mabel was in full councillor suit (What you saw at the councillor's investiture).

Okay each school was given a space to set up a booth. TK's booth was already set up by the Parent Support Group. With all the gold awards on the table, general informations about TK, achievements, O' Level results, etc on the board, it looked good.

Ms Low, Ms Erma and Mr Anwar later joined us.

TK's booth was filled with hot people and that's why parents and students were naturally attracted to it.

So our job was to entertain Primary 6 students and their parents. And this was what we did for the next 2 hours.

I bullshitted a lot to the parents, of course with facts and personal experiences.

Most of the parents were impressed when I told them that TK is an autonomous school.

There were some flaws though:
#1. Our banner was way too small as compared with the rest. It was only a pathetic piece of paper with black words 'Tanjong Katong Secondary School' printed on it, while the rest of the schools had big, colourful and eye-catching banners.

#2. When I shot the question of "Have you heard of TK Band?", only one out of thirty students and parents that I'd approached said yes.

#3. TK's booth had a projector screen, which repeatedly played the video featuring Cheryl Lim and Justin Khaw. It was boring compared to other schools that had performers. I mean those you see in circus. .__. Stick-walkers juggling balls, some swinging flags, spinning bells, etc. Although it was entertaining, they looked like clowns.

#4. I'm not good-looking enough and I didn't have sweets to distribute. Okay there's this good-looking girl walking around and holding a basket of sweets. Yeah the sweets (or may be the girl) attracted a lot of the students.

#5. I got completely stumped when parents asked me, "Is your CCA (Basketball) outstanding in TK?"

#6. Most of the students thought that our cut-off point is too high. TK's t-score(2008 intake) is 237-241.

4.15pm - Mr Lee gave a talk to the parents of the students from TNPS.

He was the only principal who turned up for this event while other schools sent HODs to present and talk. Anyway Ms Erma was rather enthusiastic, she asked us to cheer 'loud loud' after the speech. Okay I think Mr Lee had convinced some parents that TK is a good school.

5.00pm - I, together with Ms Low and Ms Erma, took a cab back to school.

Mr Anwar had his car with him. Everything, from huge noticeboards to projectors to boxes of awards to boxes of pamphlets, was crammed into a five-seater car. The whole car was filled up, which included front/back seats and boot.

It was dangerous as he couldn't see the side mirrors. Anyway he drove back to TK slowly.

So the three of us, Ms Low, Ms Erma and I, took a cab back to school. They are jokers who like to laugh a lot. On the way they said random stuff and asked me about my studies, etc. It was entertaining.

And! Ms Low 'rewarded' me with three pies and a Ribena drink. :]

6.00pm - Back in school, I met up with my mother and went to the library for 'Bangalore Trip Briefing for Parents'. Until..

7.30pm - And then home-coming-home.

What a day.

These are what I've found out:
#1. Mr Ng speaks Hokkien on phone.
#2. Mr Wee sings Hokkien songs during karaoke sessions with Ms Low, Ms Erma and other teachers.
#3. Mr Wee also sings Spice Girl's songs.
#4. Ms Low's junior college was Tampines JC. & she regretted getting into it.
#5. Ms Erma's funny and entertaining.
#6. Ms Low is a racist.


I got back my report book yesterday.

Overall Percentage: 63.9%
Class Position: 31/42
Level Position: 112/349

Considering that I didn't study.


Tag replies:
Jinyi, Mine worse than yours right.
Alison, What was going on in the auditorium?
Yingtai, Yeah. Sadist right. She even smiled.
Tiffany, I didn't screw the event up! Lol.
Tiffany, LOL. Crows.
Huimin x), Yeah he is. Lol.

P.S. I'll be in India in 16 days' time. & sorry for this wordy and non-picture post.

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