Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mr Balbinder Singh's Secret Admirer, Outing With Mr Lee, & Mdm Goo the Sadist.

It was yesterday at General Office. Nigel and I were there to inform Mr Ernest Fu of our shirt sizes.

Then came a woman. With a bouquet in her hands, she walked in and to the reception desk. Mr Fu and I approached the woman, as there's no one at the reception desk.

I saw what was she holding - A bouquet of Ferrero Rocher(s). It was fucking chio.

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Here the conversation between that delivery woman and us:
Mr Fu: Excuse me, who is this for?
Delivery Woman: Erm, is there a Balbinder Singh here?
SH: LOL. What the hell, Mr Singh!?!
Nigel: Woot! Sexy man!
Mr Fu: Haha.
Delivery Woman: Yeah, would you please sign over here? *Points to the receipt*
Mr Fu: Okay sure.

Okay. It seemed that Mr Singh has a valentine.

So I went to asked him.
SH: Hey Mr Singh! Not bad ah. Got people send you flowers. I mean Ferrero Rocher.
Mr Singh: Huh? Where got?
SH: Got lah. You didn't see? It was beautiful and sexy.
Mr Singh: Oh..that one ah. Oh yeah, it's from a friend.
SH: What friend? Girlfriend ah?
Mr Singh: No lah. Just a normal friend.

His reaction was rather happy and cheeky. -.-


Erm, I was selected by Mrs Yeo and Miss Low to attend a 'Marketing TK' event at Tampines North Primary School.

It is an event to promote TK. Three secondary three students(Gwen, Jeremy and I), together with Mr Lee, Mrs Koh, Mr Ng and Miss Low will be going to this event.

Yeah, just the seven of us and we have to promote the goodness of TK, to the whole school. It's another opportunity for leadership training, I suppose.

I will be in sports attire. According to Miss Low, I'm the representative of all Sport CCAs in TK.

Anyway, it will be on Thursday, 24/05/2007, 1-5pm. We will be dismissed at 12.30pm. & so I will have to skip Chinese and Biology lessons.

Wish me luck for this 'Marketing TK' event. It seems major so I hope I won't screw everything up. :]



I'll just shut up about what had happened in the hall.


I thought it was an attire check. I walked past Mdm Goo and asked her.
SH: What's going on upstairs?
Mdm Goo: Go up watch show. ^^ (This smiley is to describe her face at that moment.)

And then, until..I went up to the hall. (... ...)

Zomfg, Mdm Goo's such a sadist.



Reply to tags:
Cheryl, Hey Cheryl Lim! Muahaha. Okay, what was I doing? Anyway I'll ask you something, later online.
Rachel, LOL. You know what? I'd asked three Rachel(s) and all their replies were 'No.' Okay..so you are the one. It's rare that you tag here. :] Helloo by the way!
Yingtai, LOL. You make it sound so obvious.
Tate, Hello gay! Enjoyed the 'Hornilisation'?
Alison, Haha. I'm still not sure about it, you see. & I agree that their tag styles are different. Just that I don't know how to tell which is which.
Astrid, Thanks. :] Bees are cute. Aww.
Huimin x), LOL it's like that. Huimin, is a common name. Unlike, Soonhao. ^^ Remember to put the 'x)' next time! x)
Astrid, Yes. Lol.
Jasmine, I'm linking you up anyway. -.-
Yingtai, LOL. Obviously I'm joking, and Tate's horny. Anyway, had fun playing basketball with you.
Nicole, Hi. :] Serious? Okay I'm sorry then. Lol link me!
Gwendolyn, It was super unglam playing with the dustin. LOL. Elmo rocks and because of that, I'm linking you up. :]

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