Friday, May 18, 2007

My parents did not whack me for doing badly this Mid-Year Examinations.

Instead, they gave me two choices:

#1. To get that Emily the Strange guitar.

#2. A vacation to Vietnam during August.

I will choose both. & yes, I'm sure they'll let me have both.


School..have been boring. 3A had a total of seven free periods, in which we can do anything we want.

We loitered around the school, played soccer, handphone and some stupid games in the classroom, went to PCCG room to play guitar, etc.

By the way I feel that PCCG room is one of the best places to slack in.

What you should do in PCCG room when you're alone:
#1. Switch off the lights.
#2. On the air conditioner.
#3. Sit on that comfortable chair.
#4. Play the guitar.

In this sort of peaceful and calm condition, you can relieve stress.

Oh yah did I mention that 3Aliens had one of the hottest times of our lives? We were so bored that we did stupid things to entertain ourselves.

First we drew the curtains. Windows closed. Lights and fans off.
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Next we locked the back door.
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& front door.
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Then they played a combination game of "Heart Attack" and correction fluid.
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And ta ta! I think the room temperature was about 33 Degrees Celsius? You can see the over-perspired back of Nicholas.
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Okay, we did enjoy ourselves.


Tag replies: *Oldest to newest*
Aisyah, He apparently thinks that he sucks, that why he left the band. Temporary though. Lol.
Astrid, Hence the equation "Liu Jia Dong = Chen Wei Lian". LOL. & obviously Kelvin Tan looks better.
Eileen, Hahahaha. I may make it permanent. Lol. ELMO! ^^
Alison, I didn't know that you know Eileen. Haahaha.
Passerby(s)12345, Lol. #1. Hello. #2. I don't think I look like Kaisiang. #3. Durians are fine. #4. Jelly is alright too. #5. You are one person. #6. Who are you? :]
Huimin, LOL. Wenxin looked funny! I think so. Lol. Oh yeah, thanks for that jamming thing.
Wanzhen, Okay hello. ^^
Astrid, Okay good. Lol you liked the present. ^^ Muahahaha.
Huimin x), Okay. See, now I can clearly differentiate you and that Huimin from 3A. Wanna know something? My younger sister is also called Huimin. Zzz. -.- x)
Junhui, Yes. Of course I do know that you're gay. GAY. HAHA.
Junhui, It's not stupid. It's gay. HAHA. GAY.
Rachel, Lol hello! But can I ask which Rachel are you? .__.
Xiaoxuan, I'll talk to you someday. How I feel, what happened, etc etc. Okkaaaay.
Astrid, LOL especially the drummer! Ringo Starr!
Nicky, Tagboard war! >:]
Huimin x), Yes. But I've got 71 only. :[ Can get 80 lorh. I'm serious.
Junhui, Pot calling the kettle black. [Replied]
Junhui, One-on-one lah.
Nicky, LOL. No lah. He go Little India be 50-dollar man lah. LOL.

Okayseeyouaroundgoodbyetakecaregoodnightthankyouhavefunsolongsuckers. >:]

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