Sunday, May 06, 2007

Okay I said that I feel as if exams are over.

Monday 30/04/2007

Nicky, Rashid and I went to Bras Basah Complex to take a look at that Emily the Strange guitar, or rather I went to try it. I also asked for the price and details. So yeah. If my MYEs' results are okay, I'll most probably get it during the June holidays.

Rashid left us around 1.30pm. Nicky and I then walked to Peninsula Plaza. We window-shopped some guitar shops and Nicky found the bass he wants. (He later changed it)

Yeap. We took our lunch at a Japanese restaurant somewhere near Raffles Hotel.

I ate this:
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While Nicky ate a Hot Soba set meal.

After the lunch, we went to Marine Parade Library. (Not to mug, but to chat.)

Tuesday 01/05/2007

I went for a buffet at my Dad's friend's place. I was then in the celebration mood. ^^

Wednesday & Friday 02/05/2007, 04/04/2007

Lunch at Mac's. Then to MPL. (Again, to play and chat.)

Oh yah. On Friday, I went for some story-telling and received some cool Hello Kitty stickers. :]

Thursday 03/04/2007

LOL, What can I say? MPL, to play, eat and chat.


Having a non-MYEs mood, lol. For the record, I only studied for Geography Elective. I page-flipped Social Studies, E Maths, Physics, A Maths and Biology. Muahahahaha, how to pass.

Going MPL to mug is bullshitting. Too many girls (& guys) to distract you and kids go around shouting for their Mums.

Let's see how Soonhao's gonna flunk his MYEs.

By the way, I think I'm able to get full marks for my Biology Science Practical Assignment! The marks are included in my O Levels next year. So I sort of memorized the procedures. ^^


I can't wait for the 3-hour jamming session after the last written test, which is on Wednesday, 11am.

Also, I'm looking forward to getting that Emily the Strange guitar. I believe in miracles despite knowing that I'm going to flunk my exams.

Lastly, movie outings!

Okay man. Set. I'm gonna study! Three more fucking days to go.


I just watched a local movie called 'Gangster 15' at YouTube. It's about 1h 30min.

A movie about teenage hooligans. What they do, how they feel, etc etc.

It is a 'can-watch'. So watch it here.

There are ten parts. Part 1 is fucking lame. You can watch Part 4 for the climax. It's better to watch all though.

I like the way they swear.

Okay it goes like this. These bunch of secondary school kids messed up with two Ah Bengs. They started to insult them, saying that they couldn't speak English, bad attitude, etc.

Then one of the Ah Beng shouted, "Who say we cannot speak English one?"

#1. "Banglah fuck your mother let who see ah."

#2. "Fuck you lah, son of a bitch."

#3. "Your father swings his dick like a monkey."

#4. "Your mother smelly armpit until Toa Payoh Lorong also can smell okay."

#5. "Your mother fuck the Banglah in the bush ah."

LOL. Banglahs, monkeys, and armpits.


Issue with dead fishes.

Basically, they are fishes that are dead. Nothing special about it. But apparently someone finds them cool.

x) + ( + ) = A dead fish.

It's lame right. If you agree, tag.


Zzz. I'm gonna study for A Maths now. Really.

& You'll see me jumping up and down on Wednesday! ^^

Astrid, Lol. Yeah my wife is chio and your husband is sexy. -.- But I think abs are sexier. ^^
Fiona, If we're jamming in school. Female toilets ah ha ha.
Nil, Lol worry not. I will confront you one day. You sit very near me in class. Right? ^^
Tinghui, Hello TH! Good luck for MYEs too! :]
Astrid, Lol shit you lah. She's chio okay.
Nyein, LOL okay...
Tiffany, Yeah, thanks. :]
Noel, Lame. I'm not talking to you until I wake up next morning. ^^
Emelynn, LOL. Because majority of us do Si Han. Haha, just joking. Good luck for MYEs!
Junhui, Hello. I may not be the captain. Anyway yah, I don't know who you are. Intro?
Xiaoxuan, HAHAHA. We need privacy okay!
Junhui, Lol. Oh come on. Don't be sad.
Cheryl, Hahahahaha. Glad you know. ^^
Mingyew, Yeah. It's kinda fucked up. Sometimes it gets connected by itself for no plain reason. For a few hours. & I have to pay it.
Astrid, Lol. I didn't see you on that day.
Huimin Phoa, Lol hello! Yeah, same to you. ^^
Aisyah, Pansy died already. You know? Lol. It was broken by a MTV technician. Fuck him lah. ^^
Huimin, You and your dead fishes. They are LAME. HAHAHA and Oscar's kinda cool. ^^
Astrid, Ya lah ya lah. I'm wrong, you're right. LOL. & yes he's cute and I'm 'uncute'. -.-

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