Sunday, September 23, 2007


Right now, I'm having a break from homework-ing and mugging.

Last night, my brother and I had a buffet dinner at Bar & Billard Room @ Raffles Hotel.

It was rather high-class. Food was awesome. But I would rate it 3.5/5. Service was kind of excellent, 5/5.

There were lots of seafood. I particularly liked the lobsters in honey mayonnaise, raw oysters and butter prawns.

Uhuh. Two fondue fountains, one for dark chocolate and the other for milk chocolate. Of course it comes together with marshmallows, strawberries, apricots and pastry.

There was also a wide variety of chocolates and ice-cream.

The ambience was perfect, lights dimmed and tables candlelit, with some jazz music playing in the background.

We spent 2.5 hours eating, and yes we enjoyed ourselves.

This morning, my family and I went to zoo.

I've learned a couple of things today:

1. Zebras are black with white stripes.
2. Polar bears have black skin.
3. Polar bears can sniff as far as 64km.
4. Crocodile's bite force is 1373kg.
5. Sheep are sheared once a year and the wool is used to make into cloth and yarn.
6. Kangaroos can hop at a speed of 64km/h.
7. Giraffes are tall, really tall.
8. Dogs eat their own faeces.

Ha ha ha, Family Day. Fun.

Okay okay back to mugging.

See you and take care, muggers.

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