Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Matthew, Rest In Peace.

LOL. Hi all.

Today I went back to school for basketball training. Everything was fine until Matthew (2H Counselor) slipped and fell. He was actually running on the very slippery grass just to pick a ball.

I went forward to take a look of it, it was kind of NSFW (Haha quoting from Sheep).

Normally when we fall down and hurt ourselves, it is only the skin that is scraped off.

But what I saw was terrible - A diamond-shaped slash on his knee. It was about 2cm in depth, 3cm in width and 5cm in length.

I saw this white/pink solid, which was his bone, or rather kneecap.

And a dark green vein which was still on pulse.

Next, blood started bleeding profusely.

The first thing I asked was, "Will you die?" He was kind of worried, but he replied no.

OM, Mr Koh, Mrs Yeo, Mr Lee and some HODs rushed out to see what's happening. The ambulance was called and it reached in 20 minutes.

And so, Matthew was sent to KK Women & Children Hospital.

You should visit him.

Anyway I kinda like what I saw. I should have taken a picture.

Oh well, anyway Matthew, get well soon.

Haha I just got home from Tampines Mall. My brother, sister and I went to watch Ratatouille the movie. It was awesome.

And yeah, I ought to rest. I'm feeling feverish and achy all over my body.

I'm going to National Library to study tomorrow. See you.

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