Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Okay last night my family and I watched 881 at Tampines Mall. Pretty cool huh, watching a movie with my parents because usually I don't.

Six of us, my parents, brother, two sisters and I. The last movie outing together as a family was 10 years ago..? And my younger sister wasn't with us that time.

Anyway yeah, 881 is a local movie, a Chinese and Hokkien film. It's great, humorous and touching. I understand Hokkien, so understanding the Hokkien jokes wasn't really difficult.

Oh yeah the GV theatre was filled with Aunties. In the middle of the show you can hear their phones ringing, and even at the most touching moment when everyone is crying, they chat loudly. It is a little annoying but come to think about it, these aunties don't watch movies that often huh.

And hah, watching movies with your family is kinda awesome. Somehow I feel that it's better than watching with your friends.

We had training today. I didn't start the training before our coach arrived and so the whole team got punished.

Coach said to me, "I'm utterly disappointed with you, Soonhao. You made my day miserable."

But after saying that, he smiled.

Uhuh. Gordan, our Assistant Coach, came to train with us. He's funny. And Coach wasn't fed up later in the training.

My mother fetched me home at about 7pm. Just 3 minutes before we reached home, my sister, my maid and my dog(lol) felt slight tremors. The curtains, tables and chairs were shaking lightly. All my neighbours also felt it.

It was after an earthquake hit Indonesia in the evening. It measured 8.5 on the Richter Scale. Very strong, very strong..

Okay what we can do is to pray for lesser deaths and destructions. =/

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