Monday, October 15, 2007

2C'06 Gathering @ Pasir Ris Park

First of all, the credit goes out to Joan, for organizing this gathering.

It was fun. Fucking fun.

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I was very hyper, then.

Huiwen, Alex, Adam, Melvin, Kaiwei, Suresh and Sean did not turn up. 29 of us still had fun. :)

Rofl the things we did:

#1. Fucking around with the cable. (I got rammed in the groin thrice.)

#2. Playing in a big playground meant for 6 to 12 year-old kids.

#3. Playing pranks on cyclists and joggers.

#4. Having BJ in Twister games.

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Gabriel is enjoying it.

#5. Bouncing!?!

#6. Playing Monkey with Jamie's ball and she being the monkey. (Sounds wrong.)

#7. Spinning on a rotating plate at great speed.

#8. Hijacking strangers' bicycles. (I hijacked two bikes and the owners (lol little kids) were like, "Hey! That's mine!")

#9. Shouting in an Indian accent, "Sin-ga-pore. It is a suburb? Another country?" in the presence of Indians. (No racism intended.)

#10. Controlling the traffic on the bicycle track. :)

Lastly, thank you, Gerald Chin, for sponsoring half the amount of money paid for the pizzas.

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That's him. He is still as gay as before. Okay the girls were trying to take a decent picture and four guys interrupted.

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Retards united. :)

Omfg, Jamie caught me red-handed.

And Cheryl Lee owes me a kiss.


Tomorrow, BeyBlade battle!!

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