Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Final Year Examinations..

are great.

& I like to have it in the hall.

I realised I need to feel comfortable both mentally and physically to concentrate on studying.

I need:
  1. Food (Biscuits/fruits)
  2. Air-condition
  3. A hairband
  4. A wristband
  5. My bolster
  6. A jacket
  7. A quiet room
I know I'm weird, or crazy. Yes I am. I think I failed Social Studies because I didn't have time to complete it. Why? I was laughing at the source-based questions for 5 to 10 minutes.

I'm retarded. I'm joining Timo and Johnny. Timo is a Dyslexic and Johnny has Attention Deficit Disorder. Both cases can be classified under mental retardation.

Uhuh. Tomorrow's the last day of FYEs, Physics Paper I & II. After which, the BeyBlade battle will begin.

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