Monday, January 08, 2007

Aww. Today I had the first basketball training of the year.

A real goddamned one. My whole body is aching, especially my ass. There was a muscle pull in my left leg and currently I have difficulties lifting my right leg up. And whenever I stretch my arms, a muscle tension will occur in my triceps.

The first match is on the 17th, & a school team is not formed yet. I think there will be trainings every monday, wednesday and friday from now on.

My tan got deeper by the way. That's the good thing about basketball training - suntanning!

Erm, this is getting sensitive. Few days ago, Suresh came to me with his usual enthusiastic and excited face, "Soonhao! I think I got hair already. You?"

Waaaalaaaoooooooooooooooooooo. He's getting mature.

Okay, I need to rest after a whole day of socializing, studying and training.

Good night. ^^

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