Sunday, January 07, 2007

Yesterday was the CCA Recruitment Day.

The day started 'sunnily'. It already assured success of this Recruitment Drive.

I reached school at 9.30am. We basketballers were given time slots as in when you have to help out at the booth. I was given the time of '1.30pm'. Actually my purpose of reaching school early was not to help my seniors to set the booth up. Basketball wasn't like any other UGs which you have to decorate the booths nice and sweet, like the NCCs. So I played basketball the minute I reached.

Later about 10.30am, Jovin, Jiadong and I went to the booth which was reserved for basketball. It was empty. We sat down and watched others. We realised that all CCAs, from NCC(Sea) to Chess Club, except Basketball, were in preparation of their booths. Another ball-related CCA, Netball, was also doing some decorations. We were like, "Huh. Ours' still empty."

Alright, everything started when Sky came. All we had was only a miserable whiteboard. Indra did some posters and Nicholas brought jerseys to be put up on the board. Imee, who was unexpectedly asked to draw an image of a guy holding a basketball, did a great job.

Soon, nerdy-looking secondary ones came and started to make the school 'colourful'. They and their parents were the guests of this event.

I didn't hang out at the booth all the time. I played basketball matches under the hot sun. Some ex-TKians like Gerald, Roohui & Ashley came back. Brochures containing reflections and information about basketball trainings were given out to 300/350 secondary one students. We printed 300. I bullshit-ed about how beneficial trainings are.

Anyway all I've got was a deep tan. My face is red in colour now, so are my neck and chest.

After all, it was a successful and enjoyable day.

Sorry if this post is too wordy, I didn't bring a digital camera along so.. yeap.

That's it. Goodbye. ^^

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