Thursday, January 04, 2007

Lolololololol. You can't believe this.

#1. I vomited four times on New Year's Day.

#2. The three jokers of 2C'06, Jermaine, Fendy & John appealed into 3A'07 and they got in.

#3. John volunteered to be the chairman. According to him, it was for fun. He later got nominated as the Vice-Chairman of 3A'07.

#4. The baby-cute little Tate has broken his voice.

John the man. Lol it cannot be explained. Everyone laughes at whatever he do. What's more... It's only the second day of school, when we get to know each other better... Lol I can't imagine what is he going to do.

The talks given on the first day of school were hilarious. DM with the funny expression on the face, "Crystal ball, crystal ball. Can you tell me who stole the wallet?" Very lame. But I love her okay! She's super entertaining. :D

Mr Singh's talk on safety was also entertaining. If you realised, he pronounces the letter 'V' as 'W'.
For example: "Vice Chair, collect the forms." = "Wise Chair, collect the forms."
"Very good..." = "Wery good..."
Oh yah, we can now call him MISTER BAL. (As approved by Mr Koh.)

Yeap. I'm feeling the stress of being in 3A. Most of my classmates' level positions are below 40 last year. Eww this stinks.

Anyway my form teacher is the violent yet pretty Miss Low. The rest of the teachers I don't really care. xD & MISS ANG IS NOT TEACHING 3A. Wtf.

School's getting boring. Oh well, I hope I get to know more of my classmates.

Till then,
John saved the day.

P.S. We should honour John.

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