Thursday, January 11, 2007

It was yesterday after school when Nicky and I headed to the KFC opposite City Plaza.

We had a Zinger Meal each for lunch over there.

There was this middle-aged malay man, a dirty drunken to be specific. He wore a purple flower-printed headband. He was holding an empty bottle and he kept his head on the table all the while. He's mad, I supposed. Out of the sudden, he sprang up. & started singing some love songs. You know, those Dear Mary and Goodbye My Love songs.

He then stood up. He walked to a kid who was nearest to him. He muttered something to that little kid. The kid seemed to be expressionless, perhaps he was stunned.

Now guess what, he walked to me. He smacked my back twice, the first was a shock and second was a fear. He stretched out his hand and shouted, "Food." I looked at his face and noticed three tattooed slashes across his cheeks. He stared at me and his eyes seemed to be talking. He looked as if he wanted to kill me. I rejected his request and he muttered some shit back. Then he used his index finger to point across his neck, threateningly.

What shit. I was afraid, and at the same time angry that he spat some of his filthy saliva on my fries. He was ignored for the next minute and then he went on to another person. Until he got tired, he went back to his seat.

Ahh, the KFC Manager finally appeared. He was big-sized. Everyone thought he would be able to handle that madman. But...

KFC Manager: Oi! Please get out of this place now.
Madman: What! This is my homeland. Why can't I be in this place?
KFC Manager: Quick, get out now.
Madman: This is my country. I'm a Singaporean. I don't care who you are.

& Walao! That KCF Manager actually walked away.

As usual, the madman went on singing. He caught everyone's attention. Nicky and I lost our appetites. So we decided to observe the madman.

He went out of the restaurant. And came in again. But this time he sat further away from us. Ahh... the KFC Manager appeared again! He was kind of pissed. He pointed to the exit and told him to get out. They stirred up an argument and the madman was getting crazier. He might do anything to anyone. My feelings were kind of mixed lah, at that moment.

Soon both parties calmed down. And the madman was chased out.

What a scene. Okay lah. I'm getting used to be in contact with mad people. John Ng is a fine example. Lollllllll he's really getting into the mood of making people laugh.

Here's a picture of my cabinet.
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Credit to my sister!

Joan's belated Christmas gift to me. :D
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Lucky 13.

Ashley's souvenir from Canada to me! :D
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Notice: The little brown balls are the penguin's shit. & it's edible. It stated "Yummy Candy Bonbon Delicious". -.-

And yes! I'm in the school team. :D Our first match is on next tuesday. Wish me luck.

So long and good night!

P.S. Thanks for the gifts, Ashley and Joan!

Quote of the day: I am a Super Student. I can make my own spacecraft. I will fly to the moon. :DDD

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