Friday, January 12, 2007

I had set up a Sabotage Team in my class. With the help of some guys, we managed to sabotage 5 persons.

#1. John was made to be the Vice-Chairman. (MY IDEA)

#2. Rachel was made to be the Chemistry Rep. (MY IDEA)

#3. Jestin was made to be the Maths Rep. (MY IDEA)

#4. Fendy was made to be the Add. Maths Rep. (MY IDEA)

#5. Jamie was made to be the SS Rep. (NOT MY IDEA)

We had other plans - to sabotage Pei En.

So, we had Bolor to remind Mdm Rozy to choose a Geography Elective Rep. Now, half the class shouted for Pei En. And another half shouted for Jermaine.

Two bastards, non other than Fendy & Jestin, went shouting, "Soonhao! Soonhao! Soonhao!"

REBEL. >_______<

Walao. 20 versus 20 versus 2. But what cock, Mdm Rozy eventually chose me. Lol I think it's retribution. LOL. Anyway I succeed, with the help of John and the half of 3A. Thanks! :D

Class politics aside.


I am worth $2,557,064 on
How much are you worth?

I got it from Aman's blog. Check it out.

I'm beginning to make more friends in TK.

See YOU around. Goodbye. ^^

P.S. Jiadong owes me an Elmo Bag.

Quote of the day: Cannot lah, insulting your intelligence.

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