Saturday, January 13, 2007

I finally managed to upload pictures to the computer via a PDA.

Here are the ones from the twinning programme with Sri Kumaran Children's Home.

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Abhishek. He reminds me of Abygail. =x

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Vedhus. He resembles Mr Bean.

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I think this one resembles more.

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Pavan. He's good at imitating Banglahs.

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Rakesh. He's one of the better-looking guys.

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Hridhay. We called him "Hey Hey!".

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Rahul. Soccer pro.

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Rohan. He's my closest friend from India.

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Kaushik! The one and only.

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Shishir. We called him "Xie Xie".

This picture below is priceless.
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Lol. I think they look alike.

Last but not least, the autograph they signed for me. :D
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This is the bag Jiadong owes me.
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He wants me to carry it to school everyday. I agreed with him.


Oh yes yes yes. I realised that my picture is around the school.
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Sky was defending me. I like the posture of both of us. & by the way ignore Gerald.

That's all. I will upload if I have more. -.-

Okay see you. ^^

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