Saturday, January 20, 2007

Erm, school was okay. We get to know the teachers better & John makes the class laugh without fail.

Mdm Rozy fell into our trap of saying "WHERE CAN I GET THE MILK FROM." John called her Rozy Rub. Say it fast, it will sound like Rose Syrup. She began telling us stories of Rose Syrup & Bandung. Suddenly a question shot up, "How to make Bandung?" Interesting answers came in, "Use Mdm Rozy Rub!" Then she said without thinking, "Then where can I get the milk from?" The class went, "AWWWWW...." and applauded immediately.

There's more.

During recess, we told Mrs Goh that she's hot, pretty and sexy. She actually smiled. :D


I don't know whether it was that madman who gave me the bad luck. Yes I think so. After he touched Nicky and I, both of us encountered unusual and unlucky things.

I will be drenched in rain whenever I step out of school, or start playing basketball.
I forgot how to pass a basketball properly.
Coach will F. me verbally every training.
TK lost to Dunman High by 38 points. That's alot.

This is retarded lah. You know the Chemistry test we took on tuesday? It was returned to us yesterday. Shariff and I got 23/30 for the test. We calculated and converted it into percentage and it's a A1. We were contented. But when we asked around, we realised we were the LOWEST. WTHZZZOMFGROFLMAO. Freaking Jinyi got 29. !!!

3A students are monster, and the classroom is a monster house. So for those who wants to come to 3A, give it a second thought.

Yeap, that's all for today. Lol.

Goodbye all. ^^

P.S. I want to give up.

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