Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I laughed alot today. And yup, I enjoy laughing.

Incident #1. John produced Fart+Shit+Water sounds which amused everyone in the class. It was damn professional. You know, the diarrhoea sound. Everyone laughed out loud. Even Pei En, being the super guai type, rubbed her temples to cover her giggling. LOL. Omfg. He has an inborn talent to make people laugh.

Incident #2. LOL, those who were in the auditorium during English lessons witnessed the ugly side of Mr Teo KK. He scratched his armpit for godknowshowmany times. He read out John's answer, the word "Scratchy". Omg, he scratched his armpit and said "Scratchieee". WTF. LOL.

Incident #3. Mr Wee got owned by the class. We called him horny. He was, and thus he didn't deny. HAHA.

That's enough. Haa got to go for dinner.

Goodbye. ^^

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