Monday, January 29, 2007

I was elated that TK won three out of four matches so far. Did I mention that TK won Telok Kurau and Changkat Changi? Yes we did. & they're much better than Pasir Ris Crest. I sounded as if I've contributed alot. Nah, I merely scored 4 points, in four matches.

Today's match was against Telok Kurau. They're good. But we're better. This match was critical as it determines whether TK is getting in or out of the competition. If we've lost today's match, we're out for good. We sticked to Coach's plans and tactics & we won TKSS by 4 points. As a reward, we will be having a chalet, organised and paid by our coach. =D It will be during the June holidays. & yes, Mrs Yeo was happy too. She's gonna treat us to a meal. That's very cool. ^^

Now, that's victory. We've tasted it. Although some of my teammates and I didn't play/perform much in this tournament, we gave moral support to those who were in the game. & it helped.

The first round isn't over yet. We have another match on Wednesday. We will be competing with Springfield Secondary. Heard they're strong, but we should be able to defeat them. To add on to the good news, Telok Kurau defeated them. So IF we are to trash them flat, OR they are to win us by 6 points or less, we're moving on and into the second round. Anything above 7, we'll be out.

I believe in miracles. So let Tanjong Katong Secondary School get into the second round, for once in five decades. =D


School is fun!

There was a change in the sitting arrangement today. John, who was previously sitting behind me, changed places with Pei En. Oh yes, Rachel & Cynthia, welcome to my row. =D You still can have fun without the girls. :)

I realised that Pei En isn't a monster actually. Beginning of the year John and I kept teasing her, but now she actually accepted me as her friend.

There wasn't any major events in 3A in the previous week. & omg, the girls are starting to find me noisy.

Anyway I love Biology Practical. =D Today we did some observations of cells, using a microscope. We were to remove a layer of onion skin and place it on the display glass, etc etc.

Now guess what, John removed his pimple skin while I made my finger bleed, by cutting the edge of it. Yes, we placed our 'specimens' onto the dish and started observing. I saw my red blood cells moving around. Perhaps they were diffusing. I also noticed the biconcaves of the red blood cells. John's pimple/skin/bacteria cell was pure disgusting. I took pictures using my handphone through the microscope, and it really looked like those photomicrographs we see in our science textbooks. I will upload the pictures soon, onto this blog for eye pleasure.

I'm starting to adapt to the new environment. I'm starting to like my class. I'm starting to befriend those outcasts. I'm starting to talk to more people in my class.

BY THE WAY, thanks for the good-luck-wishes for the basketball competition. =D

Soonhao signing off. ^^

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