Saturday, February 03, 2007

It'd been five good days since I last blogged on 29th.

Alot of things happened and caused my feelings to mix.

#1. We had a match against Springfield on Wednesday. I did say that if Springfield was to win TK by 6 points or below, we would be getting into the second round right. But at the last minute of the last quarter, the referee came to us and said that it's 3 points and below, not 6 points and below. Wtf, Springfield won us by 6 points and they're in. It's 3 points and TK is out of the competition.

Anyway we're fighting for the loser cup. >____>

#2. On the same day that night, Mrs Yeo, the basketball in-charge teacher, smsed me. Saying that RuiZi and I have been selected as the two representatives for basketball to go for the Secondary One & Two Cohort Camp. I'm looking forward to that man. Realllllly. ^^

#3. The next day, Mrs Yeo & Mr Koh came to talk to us about yesterday's match. Mrs Yeo had tears in her eyes, as she asked if we were alright.

It's such a pity, you know. We started off as a broken team. Some of us disliked each other and there were some misunderstandings then. That was when a new coach came, he fixed the team. He trained us hard & extended training hours to the maximum. Having the toughest times together, we became close friends cum teammates. After each and every friendly matches we played, we as a team grew stronger both mentally and physically.

It's really a joy seeing TK defeating schools one after another. The chances of TK getting into the second round were 99/100. Before the match against Springfield all of us were like, "Eh! Tonight go Jumbo celebrate ah. Then go watch Slinger's match." However, 3 points caused the downfall of TK Basketball. Some of us cried. I did not. I was emotionally stable.

Argh, a whole year of harsh trainings but still we didn't manage to get into the second round. Perhaps it was fated.

#4. I was retardedly stupid to decide against studying for a Chinese Test. I had 8/20 for it. And my punishment was:

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Waste of time + ink + energy.

#5. TK Family Day 2007. It was a great day which you could bond with your friends and teammates. I was the first runner of the second race. At the starting point, to act as if I'm calm, I shook my body left and right before the race began. I remembered that there were five groups of people calling me, to wish me good luck.
1. Basketball. My teammates.
2. Choir. Nigel, Isabel, etc etc.
3. Netball. Cheryl, Richny, Yushan, (Rachel?).
4. Some secondary two people.
5. My classmates/ex-classmates.

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I have to say that I've tried my best, but not strategically. I sprinted all the way. At first I was leading, but that NCC(Sea) guy was just too good. He overtook me. He came in first and I was second. After all ten runners ran, TK Basketball was third. Good effort from everyone, including the netballers. ^^

Each of us was awarded a medal.

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It looks good huh. & it's my fourth medal/trophy that I've received in TK.

Oh yah, I still owe the CCA leaders this.

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It was supposedly meant for the last runner. Anyohhow I went to take one and put it in my bag.

#6. After months of harassing my mother, she finally bought a few pairs of contact lens for me. I have not tried it yet. But I think it's gonna be difficult forcing an object onto your eyes. I remember that my sister cried when she first tried to put on contact lens.

#7. A pair of brand new Adidas Superstar White Shoes + $5.70 = A pair of brand new Adidas Superstar Red/Black Stripes Shoes.

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Yes. Initially my parents bought me the white one. I didn't like it. So we went back to change it. After some calculations, we had to fork out another $5.70. By the way the Red/Black Stripes Shoes are new arrivals. ^^

Three out of seven were bad, but four out of seven were good. I'm happy. ^^


TK Family Day was fun. The runners were supposed to gather at the hall and wait till everything's ready. We waited for like 2 hours and 30 mins.

You know this damn retarded and stupid prank, which you are supposed take a wireless microphone and hide at a spot. Then you start to call out someone's name. & that person will turn his head to the speakers. It's damn retarded. First victim was Sky, he was sleeping and Kenneth went to say, "Sky, no sleeping in the hall."

Then I tried it on Indra, "Indra, Superstar..." He turned his head in all directions. I mimicked Coach, "Indra ah Indra! Pass the ball." And his reaction DAMN funny. All of us laughed and it caught his attention.

LOL, now Mdm Goo. I called her in a low voice, "Mdm Goo... Mdm Goo..." She actually went around asking who called her name. I made an evil laughter. LOL. She was freaked out. Damn funny.

The race and prize-presentations already mentioned.

After the whole event, Elyssa, Nicholas and I went to Parkway to have Mac's for lunch. Alot of TK students sia. They were Daniel, Azri, Brandon, Amirul, Rachel Tang, Astrid, Glenn, Mingyan, Sandy, Wynne, Adeline, Rachel Phang, Roderick, 2A girls and some 2E people. As usual we went to Parkway after lunch. We saw somemore people there. Two 2H girls, Fiona and her junior, some Secondary 4 people, and more. Somewhat it reminds me of the times I had with 2C-ians before the SYF Outdoor Band Competition.

A wonderful day that made me happy, once again.

Thanks for all the good-luck wishes btw.

Last but not least, this is what you can do when watching movies at home.

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Lay's Potato Chips - $3.65
McDonald's BBQ Sauce - Free.

It can last you for one and a half hour, yeap.

Goodbye. ^^

P.S. I know that this post is long and wordy, my apologies to that.

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